My Life in Law Enforcement: A True Life Story #3

As with just about all young men my age, I was full of energy and fearlessness. I was also starting down a dangerous road with alcohol abuse. As you can see, Budweiser was my drink of choice at the time.

When you combine everything together, it spelled out a recipe for disaster. Eluding the State Police on my motorcycle scared the hell out of me once it was over. I almost worried myself to death wondering if the officer had my registration plate on video and would be able to enhance it and find out who I was. That bike was the love of my life and I just knew that the police was going to roll up at any moment and seize it. The trooper clocked me at 170 MPH before he lost sight of me, can you say "felony"? It took about two solid weeks of worrying before I realized that I had gotten away.
These few pictures were taken on the actual day that I eluded the police. I had just cleaned up my bike and truck, took a picture and then went for a ride before the incident happened.

This bike was not your average "crotch rocket" or sport bike. It was a British made sport bike that was extremely rare in my area. As a matter of fact, Triumph only made 3 colors of the Daytona 955i (red, black and yellow) and my two best friends and I had each different color. To my knowledge, we were the only people riding Triumph Daytona's back then in my area. The bikes were a little more expensive than the average Japanese bikes but we liked the fact that no one else had them.

This picture was taken when I was getting it ready to be raced.

This isn't a good picture but I assure you that it is me on the drag strip during a qualifying run.

To give you an idea of how much I loved this bike, my girlfriend at the time took this picture and had it transferred on to a birthday cake for me. Now keep in mind that this was a long time ago and digital technology wasn't like it is today so I was extremely impressed with it.

Okay, okay, enough about the bike. It's easy for me to get off topic when I start talking about something that I love or interests me. Back on point!

My new girlfriend and obsession with my bike has put a major halt on my alcohol abuse problem. I still drank but I didn't do it near as much. Speaking of my new girlfriend and my bike... When you put the two together, I was in LOVE!

We were very adventurous together and was having a lot of fun. At this time I was debating on either joining the military or starting a career in law enforcement. I was having a difficult time in deciding which avenue to take. I was seriously considering the military due to the benefits but now that I've got a smoking hot girlfriend, I don't really want to be away from her that long. I began running and training because I knew that I was going to pick one of the two professions, so I might as well get a head start.

I knew that I was going to have a hard road ahead of me in the very near future, so we decided to have a mega-vacation before I made my life altering decision. Cancun Mexico here we come! This was the first time either of us had been out of the country and it was definitely an experience to remember. We stayed at the Moon Palace all inclusive resort which was pretty damn awesome. I will limit myself to just a few pictures of the vacation lol.

I think the Moon Palace almost ruined me. In one week I gained like 15 pounds, it was crazy!

Once we got back, I felt confident that I had made up my mind in what I wanted to do. I wanted to try and become a law enforcement officer. I began researching the basic law enforcement training programs at my local colleges and started to get my ducks in a row. My stomach would turn in to a knot just thinking about joining this type of program. I didn't know if I could cut it or not. I was confident that I could pass the physical parts but I was worried about the book work. Just reading about the program and looking at the pictures of the cadets running obstacle courses made my nerves ignite with electricity! After speaking with the director over the program, it was up to me to get all of the required documentation and other required items in order prior to the class starting. The ball is now rolling...

This post is part of a series of posts that will cover a large portion of my life beginning just before starting my law enforcement career. The content and pictures posted in said articles belong to @bluelightbandit. If you haven't read the first two posts, I highly recommend that you check those out to catch up to speed, thanks!

First post: @bluelightbandit/my-life-in-law-enforcement-a-true-life-story-1
Second post: @bluelightbandit/my-life-in-law-enforcement-a-true-life-story-2

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2 columns
1 column