It's Here! Come Ride My Beautiful Magic Carpet

Come on, take a ride with me on my incredible Magic Carpet!

Magic Carpet

Ride the Magic Carpet

Photo courtesy of Julie Macey and

When I was a child I was fascinated by tales of Aladdin and the Arabian Nights. Just imagine; magic carpets that could actually fly!

Little did I know that I would one day own my very own magic carpet.

My carpet is only a couple of feet wide and about four feet long. It is made out of vacuum molded plastic and rubber foam rather than fine fabric and wool. However, I imagine that no Prince of Araby has ever had a more entertaining ride than the rides my carpet has favored me with.

I swoop and fly along the face of shining mountains of water.

I drop swiftly from the heights, gliding faster and faster all the way down, only to be lifted again as the moving mountain overtakes me.

I turn and send sheets of emerald liquid into the air behind me.

At times I am suspended by the merest edge of the board, hanging in space over a hollow chasm. At times I am launched completely into space, soaring through the air with no visible means of support.

Some mornings the waves are as smooth as glass,

and my carpet snuggles into the velvet shoulder of a wave, providing a sensation of such smooth power and acceleration as only a genie might otherwise experience.

What a treat! Won’t you let me take you for a magic carpet ride?

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Making The Drop; A Poem of Sorts
The Ocean; God's Finest Invention?
Paddling Out -- The Story
The Humorous Truth; Willpower and Cold Water
Why Do Jerks Seem To Get the Best Waves?

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