☁️Steemit Anonymous:☁️ We Peek In On Meeting Number Two...

It can be really hard, facing up to the sobering reality of your Steemit addiction...

In case you missed our first ☁️Steemit Anonymous☁️ meeting, you may want to read about it here: True Confessions of a ☁️Steem Junkie☁️,

Admit it, Steemian. You Are An Addict!

Come with me now as we look in on a meeting of Steemit Anonymous, just about to start.

Hooked on Steem...

Hooked on Steem
Photo courtesy of Stas Svechnikov and http://unsplash.com

The moderator bangs her gavel...

"Please take your seats!"

On my way in the door, I pass a folding table decked out with styrofoam coffee cups, an old coffee urn, and what appear to be left over Christmas cookies. I keep my head down, trying to avoid the stares of the others milling around.

Nervously looking for a seat, I try very hard to be invisible. This is not what you'd call a comfortable experience.

Let's go, folks! You'll have plenty of time later for refreshments and socializing."

God, I wish this group was bigger! It's really hard to blend in. Quickly grabbing an open chair, I find myself seated between a somewhat overweight woman in a puffy purple jacket and a rather grizzly looking guy in a plaid flannel shirt. Just in time, too; the moderator starts talking:

"Good evening, and Welcome to Steemit Anonymous."

"We're here tonight to bear one another's burdens. A new year has begun, and we need to commit to being strong, to staying strong for each other this year!"

A smattering of "Amen"s rises from the rag-tag audience of about thirty.

A rag-tag audience of about thirty...

A rag-tag audience of about thirty...
Photo courtesy of Kaleb Nimz and http://unsplash.com

I try hard to keep my mind from wandering as the facilitator — who I'd guess to be either a social worker or minister, she just has "that look" about her — opens the meeting with a refresher course in the twelve steps on the journey to sobriety.

Before I know it, sharing time has arrived.

"Who'd like to start out our sharing tonight? Don't be shy; just come on up and introduce yourself."

Screwing up my courage, I rise to my feet... You see, nervous though I am, one of my New Year's resolutions is to not hold back at these meetings. I excuse myself as I squeeze past seated members, and make my way up to the podium.

"Hi, My name is Duncan... and I'm a Steemit addict."

"Hi, Duncan!"

I'm shaking a bit as I look out across the room. There are people from every walk of life here; a veritable cross-section of humanity. I take a deep, calming breath.

"I've only been "on Steem" for a little while; it all started out back in August, when someone on Facebook posted a link to a Steemit article. It seemed so innocent at the time! You know, write a little bit now and then, get paid for it?

Understanding murmers emanate from the crowd.

"But then, before I knew it - I was pumping out one, two... OK - I admit it! - sometimes three and four posts a day!"

"I've finally come to realize - to admit to myself, really - that I can't help myself. I am powerless. I can't stop myself from steeming!"

Now I'm a little choked up; this is harder than I expected! But I continue anyway:

"That's why I'm here tonight... And I plan to keep coming back, for as long as it takes!"

What appear to be left over Christmas cookies...

What appear to be left over Christmas cookies...
Photo courtesy of Mira Bozhko and http://unsplash.com

There are smiles, then applause!

I'm overwhelmed by the response of the audience. I see understanding, even compassion, in the faces of many. A few call out brief encouragements; "Glad you're here!" - "Right on, Duncan!" - "We're with you, man!"

Wow, sharing from the heart like this is cathartic! A wave of relief passes over me as I step away from the podium. Moving back toward my seat, several in their chairs reach out and pat my arm or my back, some shake my hand.

Yes, I think I will definitely be back!

Be sure to contact me...

...for the time and date of the next Steemit Anonymous meeting. Perhaps we can help each other!

If nothing else, maybe we'll get some good ideas for our next article...?

If you recognize yourself in this article...

... How about sharing? Tell us about your addiction. How has Steemit encroached on your life?

Remember, leave your first name ONLY in a comment below. ;) At Steemit Anonymous, we always respect your right to privacy.


This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

Thanks for your time and attention. I'm here on Steemit because of you, my readers. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for you!

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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