Why Do They Envy Me?

"Tears are God's gift to us. Our holy water. They heal us as they flow."
- Rita Schiano -

I appreciate challenges.

Sometimes I even challenge myself by adding constraints to an existing challenge to make it even tougher (read: more fun).

The challenge this week from @jayna is to write a 50 word story, starting with the prompt "tear."

For the last several 50-word challenges, I've written about horses.

Well, horses lead to flies, and flies lead to...


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A solitary tear fell.
Image courtesy of Armando Orozco and http://pixabay.com

How many times can you find "tear" in my story?

Why Do They Envy Me?

by Duncan Cary Palmer

Though concentrating, birdsong was enough to tear candlemaker Stearns away from her work.

Lifting her head, a solitary tear fell. Outside the window, the tiny wheatear dined on flies beneath the eaves.

Since inventing a superior stearin hardening technique, colleagues had shunned her.

Are they envious because I outearn them?

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A hungry wheatear.
Image courtesy of Babil Kulesi and http://pixabay.com


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The Candlemaker's Shop
Image courtesy of Ron Porter and http://pixabay.com

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You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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