UNPROVEN Chapter Twelve "Start the morning out with a Bang"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Ary woke the way she did most mornings, in a disoriented haze, the process of coming to consciousness one of degrees. So when she felt a fluttering on her neck she swatted it.


Her eyes flew open to the sight of Grayson rubbing his jaw.

“Oh, oh my God, I’m sorry, I was dreaming!”

He laughed, “That must have been some dream.”

“Yeah,” she smiled sheepishly.

His lips quirked in amusement and he brushed hair from her eyes. “’Morning.”

She blushed. "'Morning.”

“How are you feeling?”

She watched his eyes travel downward and realized what he was actually asking. “Oh. A little sore, but not too bad.”

“If I’m gentle and quick, can you take it?”

She blinked and swallowed hard at the change in his expression. “Um, yeah.”

He leaned down and kissed her, softly at first then deepening it as he pulled her body tightly against his. “Lie on your stomach,” he said softly.

She blinked again but did as he said. He lifted her middle and pushed a pillow under her belly and she turned her head to watch him as he positioned himself behind her, pressing her legs forward and out. A quivery feeling sprouted in her abdomen as one of his hands massaged her lower cheeks. He lifted the other to his mouth and drenched his fingers and she watched in a flutter of excited trepidation as he brought them between her legs and rubbed.

Grayson took his cock in hand and stroked it with his moistened fingers before positioning at her entrance. When he glanced back up she was looking over her shoulder at him and his dick twitched in anticipation. That fawn caught in headlights thing was quickly becoming the most erotic expression he’d ever witnessed. He looked down at her sweet little ass pointed up in the air and a tremor traveled through him, vibrating in his swollen prick. Damn this was hot, this innocent girl splayed out for him in all her naked glory.

He pressed the tip of himself inside and took advantage of her quick intake of breath to push farther before pulling back. He repeated the process going a little deeper each time until he was in all the way. He grasped her hip with one hand and slid his other up her back soothingly before bringing it back to the other hip. The moment he felt her relax he began sliding in and out, inwardly groaning at the way she felt.

The tight wet clasp of her brought him to the edge in minutes and on impulse he bent forward and closed his teeth softly on her neck as he began to come. When he finished he collapsed on top of her and kissed her cheek. “Now that’s the way to begin a day,” he stated and rolled to a sitting position, retrieving his clothes from the floor.

Ary turned over and sat up, bringing the blanket to her neck as she watched him dress, her heart thudding as she massaged the spot he had bitten. He had bitten her. Had kept her in place while he’d mounted her, like a mountain lion would. Wow, God. Despite the soreness, she could have climaxed if he would’ve kept it up a just a little longer.

Fully dressed he turned toward her and her stomach flipped over. What would he say? Thanks, see you around? She held her breath and waited, willing him to say something great. Something, that no matter what happened, would complete this entire night in a way she could relive for years.

She watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone. He favored her with a lopsided smile and held it out. “I’ll need your number,” he said.

She took it from him, trying to quell the trembling inside as she entered her info and handed it back.

He leaned toward her and kissed her mouth softly. “I’ll call you tonight,” he said against her lips, then hopped off the bed and strode out of the room.

She flopped back down on the pillow and let out the breath she’d been holding, a smile stretching across her face. He would call her tonight. She laughed and kicked her legs back and forth in a horizontal victory dance before flipping onto her stomach and hugging the pillow that had aided in their sexual interlude. He wanted to see her again. She laughed again and shoved her face into the soft material to muffle it.


Grayson was walking across the floor of the unfamiliar house trying to remember where they’d come into it the night before when he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. He turned to see Andie standing about ten feet away wearing a look of disdain.

“Grayson,” she said, giving him a once-over that clearly said she was not impressed.

“Andie.” He mimicked her action, his lips curving as her eyes narrowed. He turned away and found the reference he needed to get him out the door, then strode toward it without looking back.

When he reached his car he slid into the seat and glanced back at the house thoughtfully. Andie could present a problem. Clearly she was bent out of shape from his neglect to acknowledge their lip lock at the pier. He started his car and listened to the purr of the engine as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. A problem yes, but a small one. His lips curled as he pictured Aryanne’s face as he’d handed her his phone. Somehow he doubted Andie could have much of an effect on the little blonde's feelings for him.

He pulled away from the curb and headed home.

Go to Chapter Thirteen


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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