100 Reasons I Love The City I Live In : The Guarantee of Finding GOOD FOOD When Eating Out


"Define good food" you may say and surely what I find and consider good food may not be exactly how you'd define it but hey, I think we'd all agree that ....

.. if it LOOKS LIKE YUM, SMELLS LIKE YUM and TASTES REALLY YUM, YUM ___ we'd come to the agreement that IT IS GOOD FOOD!The many resto and fast food centers in the city I live in offers exactly that!


You won't often see me in fast food centers nor kiosks but I'm guilty of having eaten in those at some point in my life and I also have to admit you'll find good food in there. Being a social butterfly gets you to mingle with people with different food preferences and eating out a lot sometimes means meeting half way. On some days, I'd take them to my favorite food nooks but on some days, they reel me in their choice of places to eat but it's fine.

IMHO, it's hard to moralize your choice of food when you eat out because technically you don't know what's been put in your food and you have total zero control on it but not in the city I live in and this is probably the same case in most places in this country because each place is obliged to tell you what's in your plate and to adjust to customer's whims and food preference specially if you have allergies. Some of them are even organic and even kiosks have such a variety of choice to offer around here. Cool huh?


Be you a vegan, vegetarian or a meat eater, an eat all you can lover, the city I live in has a perfect place to send you to if you feel like eating out. Some even offer organic food and they are still reasonably priced so yes, you can actually moralize the food you eat when you eat out thanks to places as such.

You can think of every cuisine there is and look any resto up that offers that in the net and you know you'll find one out here, except for Korean food but I'm thinking of opening one resto that might cater that (just kidding) ha ha! I prefer eating than cooking for people really .

I think being able to make a reservation and inform the restos of which food you are allergic to and getting exactly that hostile ingredient off the dish or an alternative ingredient to complete the dish without compromising its taste is the best part.


GOOD FOOD does not necessarily means expensive and in the city I live in, you'd find exactly just that reasonably priced.

During those days, my husband and I have been travelling and am still in the "lazing mode no cooking agenda in my head" state though we're back home .. we'd go out or even just ring the resto and get our food delivered. During the devouring session, we can't help talking about how we appreciate being back home, eating good food because guess what, even in the EU, not every city you could get lost to, offers GOOD FOOD when you eat out.


Now, when the drink itself obviously screams; "MADE WITH PASSION", it's but just a bonus and you just can't help but love the chef and keep going back! Again, am posting random reasons and now please tell me, that city you live in, do you also have access to GOOD FOOD when you eat out?

This content's 100% mine. All pics were taken with my samsung galaxy A3 2016 edition.

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