100 Reasons I Love The City I Live In : Its Park Is Actually Forest


"100 reasons? Has she gone mad?" .. perhaps you're asking yourself that now but mind you, I have more than a hundred reasons loving the city I live in.

Since the attention span here has gone shorter than short, I've decided to inject it to you in small dosages.


I could start with so many other things I love the most about this city but let me just randomly start with its park being a forest.


When my husband first took me here, I was expecting it to be like Rizal Park in Manila and I had concrete aisles, private gardens, fountains and lovers kissing in the nooks or under the trees in mind so I dressed up girly girly. Little did I know my flat shoes would have a hard time walking around it.


I told him, "Honey, you should have told me we're going to a forest. Had I known .. I would have put on some rubber shoes." Well, we headed to the resto in the park that day so I guess it was also worth dressing up girly chic back then.


These days, I often come here for the market on the first Sundays of the month or during events but most of all, to take a long ~~~ stroll.


Some days, I'd sit on one of those green benches near the man made falls here. Listening to the water hit the bottom gives that zen feel it's just so relaxing.


Most of the time, I'd sit close to the ones with the water mills because they're close to the cafe and coffee and tea comes in handy not to mention the free toilet there. Where on earth is there a forest with cafes and restos that even offers healthy and organic "to eats". This forest like park has it.


When the market is on, I can barely see the deer unless someone's feeding them bread. On days, when the dog walkers are the most in sight, I get to enjoy some of them bambi's playing around like these boys were. Thanks to my D Eye peeping is pretty easy these days. They're actually far away from me.




Most of the time, they're inside this villa look alike deer's house on that hill. Yeah .. it does look like they're freely roaming around with that foresty background but there's actually a fence between them and me.



These days, am braver enough to take a stroll on my own around here specially on sunny days during the winter season. I wouldn't dare do that in autumn. Look at this bald canopy, can you imagine how thick this would look like in summer? I could get lost around here if I don't follow the path and trails with all those trees around really. Again, it's a forest.





Some days, I'd bring a book and stop every now and then to breathe and read under a shade on one of those green benches and no one would bug you. Every now and then a biker or a jogger or a chattering family also on a stroll would pass by but no one would bug you. I love doing that on sunny days.



In most of my strolls here the past years, I've always watched and observed fowls that adds color to this place and they never failed to entertain me. They always end up in a frame or two although back then - in my other social media. I'd like to think that this goose was doing tai chi like I was on the grass.



I've lived in the business center in Makati for a long time, the park there still defines "busy city" and I missed the chirping of the birds most of the days, I used to hang out on one of those parks we have there even cause they're mostly surrounded by malls and restos with some playing loud music, so when I found out that the park here is like a forest, I've often asked my husband to go there take a walk on days we're free. Always helps clear your heads up because it's like a forest, it abounds in nature.



On weekends, I come here to stroll instead of shopping, I won't head home till the lights are on .. yeah, it's that safe. Only the cold would send you home specially during the winter days.



How about in the city you live in, what's the park there like? Is it also like a forest?


This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my D Eye.

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