If I Were A Duck ... Quack!


If I were a duck, I would probably not stopping watching what the geese do. They seem to be more prim and proper than them ducks are, looking all dignified walking tall, with their long necks and noses up in the air.


They don't peck on their kind, no matter how close they get, they just let them be. They're very protective of their kin, they'd hiss at anyone who'd get close to those or bug their feeding.


If I were a duck, I'd do as geese do, they don't easily get lured, quickly waddling to the bank with a mere sight of anyone actually just opening an empty bag. In fact, they would hiss on peeps who'd dare approach them while they send their youngs running down the bank.


I guess, it's their way of saying; "these ones can't be bought, back off! We're not interested in your bread!" and when they do eat, they stick their heads up on an alert mode intimidating enough to make you keep your distance.


If I were a duck, I'd often go swimming with the geese just to watch and learn from them and find out what makes them so huge and looking all dignified, if I were a duck ...

Okay, enough ... before I start quacking and having some identity crisis .. first I was an alien and now .. a waddling quacking what? ...


Who knows what this yellow eyed duck with a mohawk called? 10% up to anyone who'd be able to identify it but please only identify it if you really know and have seen it. They're not from here, it's the first year I've seen a couple of them in the man made meer near my place.

This one didn't go swimming like crazy towards me when I opened my bag to reach for the eye like the other ducks above did. It just stayed in the middle of the mere . It also doesn't just dunk with his head into the water, it could dive. I've seen him swimming and suddenly did this ...



.. vanishing and leaving me that ripple and bobbing out on the other side. I tried luring it pretending I have bread but I guess it was never fed what it's not supposed to eat so it just went fishing and every now and then stare at the other ducks running towards me, probably thinking, they're idiots for eating what they're not supposed to .


... so tell me, how many kinds of ducks do you see here? Can you identify all of them? 25% up to the first one who can with a valid source. Please note that you only have one chance to do that (wink, wink).

This content's 100% mine. I took all of the pics ith my Nikon D3400 + AF-P NIKKOR 15, 55-200mm .

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