Twelve Sets of Twelve Different Fruits For A Guaranteed Twelve Months of Luck For The New Year

Yes, it seems that the "Christmas Days" are over for the many cause it suddenly hushed around us. I live near a grocery store and the parking's been full and busy for days before Dec. 25 but not these days.

Just when I thought I could now hang out with my friends cause we're still official vacay, I get slapped on the face with the fact that the most of them are still busily preparing for the New Year! Makes me wonder, are you, too? ( oh well, sorry that I asked - none of my business really, just so curious).

Since I lived here, I sort of got freed from the hype of the buzz of shopping here and there to prepare for all these festivities. Shopping? Which woman doesn't like going shopping? I do and I've been shopping, too but mostly, shoes, bags, clothes and all the shallows you could imagine us women buying.. just that and the usual ~~ doing the groceries and buying food stocks.

A friend of mine asked whether I could accompany her in the market cause she could use a hand carrying all the 12 sets of 12 different fruits for New Year. I asked why she needs that much cause I thought she'd be throwing a huge New Year's Eve's feast. She threw me back the question of whether we've never done it at home and shook the box of memories in my head.


"Oh yes we did, I remember now."; I told her and reluctantly asked her again about why on earth do we actually do that.

She looked me with her eyes looking like they're going to pop out their sockets and asked whether I really don't know. I shrugged my shoulder cause I really had no clue. Gosh, I haven't observed cultures and traditions since I was 19 - that's 20 years plus already I swear i didn't know.

She pulled me to the side and explained it's for good luck saying that if I want to attract good luck for the whole year I should prepare 12 pieces of 12 sets of twelve different kinds of fruits! My! I realized how serious this is so since all the fruits I could imagine in the market's huge, I used my period as an excuse not to go to the market.

I realized my country has too many superstitions and myths and beliefs no one can prove are actually effective nor working. I have nothing against those beliefs .. it's just I feel sorry for all the effort and burden it seems to put on the shoulder of anyone who observes them.

How about where you live, do you guys also need to prepare twelve sets of twelve different fruits to guarantee you the whole twelve months luck or would that kitty statue that shakes its hand on an invite gesture actually enough to have in the house to do that? Does that really work?

If it does, does that mean I could just sit under a tree, do nothing, watch the mother nature that I love entertain me much and expect it to still rain mow ~ney while I do that? What exactly do the folks who came up with the idea of the twelve sets of twelve different fruits, 12 pieces a kind mean by "doing that could guarantee you a year of lucky months? I can't fathom the logic behind it.

How about 12 sets of twelve different cryptos and would the set really be just 12 pieces each per set or may I have a thousand? And say I may have a thousand, would that mean extra regular luck? Who else observes this tradition, please enlighten me for I really don't get the need to do all the trouble of hoarding that much fruits and that it should be complete so when the clock strikes 12 in the New Year's Eve, your luck has been locked. Really?

Somehow I wonder, which country or ethnicity has influenced and conditioned our people in observing this and how many of us Pinoys are still doing this. Shout out in the comment if you are brave to admit, 5% up to anyone who'd ever dare and another 5% to anyone who'd explain how this myth I mean - fruit thing works!

Somehow, I worry about what's going to happen to the rest of the fruits if my friend's family won't manage to eat all of them. Oh well, it's none of my business.

Can you identify the twelve fruits in that drawing above? 5% up for identifying one - again, just one , don't be greedy! If the fruit has already been identified let it go .(wink wink).

This content's 100% mine. I drew the pic above on my Note 1 .

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