A consultant Story - a new Superpower 1x2

The last episode @fboccassi/a-consultant-story-pilot-1x1

un nuovo superpotere 1x2.png

... SBAM, A dazzling light comes out of the Computer. I'm blinded by this glow. A light so strong that even my eardrums are somewhat stunned by so much power. A light that seems to have effects not only on sight but on all senses.
Suddenly I find myself in a limbo where I feel totally suspended. The only thought I have is. "It's 3 in the night, What the hell I've done that I cannot live like the 99% of people in this world? ".

I wake up on my bed with blurred memories and a strange feeling. It's 6 in the morning and the last thing I remember is the email I was sending ...

Oh My GOD... The EMAIL... The attachment was missing. I open the PC and I find two emails from my Boss, to whom we have given the nickname of "Padrone" (an Italian word).
He works as a crazy and never sleeps. A real war machine. Indeed a Terminator. He does not have emotions, he does not eat and he makes you work as a damned.

The email starts with "Where are the fu***ing slides?" ... I can imagine his expression (:D)

Source: rebloggy.com

Well, the day begins in the right way! I send the slides and I go to take a shower in order to get ready to go to the scaffold.

The meeting is at the Customer place and it takes more or less 45 minutes by car. An infinite time to think and rethink how to overturn execution and avoid an epic PADULO ( a PADULO is a working stuff).

I do not have any brilliant idea. I would need a pill like the movie "Limitless".

Source: media.giphy.com

Unfortunately, no drug type seems to overshadow the threat. The longest journey of my life.
Arrived to the customer, parked the car and found myself in front of the "Padrone". Final Monster!

I can't think to any kind of excuses and the best idea I have is to replicate Edward Norton in Fight Club.

Source: imgur.com

It would be nice, but I would avoid coming back to my girlfriend with a bloody nose. She already thinks I am crazy because of this job.

I start walking and I begin to feel strange as if I had done a joint. I feel more and more detached from reality and suddenly a fierce light floods all the surrounding area. I keep walking and I clearly notice a strong presence detached from me. Suddenly I find the exact copy of myself in front of me, going to the "Padrone".

I stop and I wonder how the "Padrone" cannot see this dazzling light. Suddenly I remember what happened the night before. Email, PC, dazzling light. Now I remember! That is the same light of the night before.

Suddenly I can hear the "Padrone" grunts nonsense words against my clone. The sermon seems to last about one or two minutes, but then it calms down and the smile returns. I'm not quite understanding what's coming up, but from what I can see, the "Padrone" did not realize either the light or the clone.

In a moment, both the second me and the dazzling light disappears. Tell me if it is true, but I avoided an epic cathouse and the "Padrone" also seems to be in good spirits.

It does not seem to me either to be drunk or to take illicit substances. Maybe I'm dreaming? Anyway, it looks like a beautiful dream: D ...

The beautifull moment does not last so much, because the master suddenly receives a phone call from the customer. The meeting was moved up half an hour. We are officially late!

I start again asking my existential questions about consulting "Can the Customer anticipate half an hour the meeting and no one takes the trouble to warn us?" ... Sometimes I think the customer is having fun betting on what news can inflict a stroke to a consultant ...

Luckily I'm still alive: D ... My mind switches from one concern to another and for a while the strange event that happened before disappears from my thoughts.

We head to the meeting. Enormous building, thousands of rooms. You can imagine! It seems to me to be a maze in a labyrinth.

Source: shirleytwofeathers.blogspot.com

We find the classroom, we enter and SBAM ...

** I hope you enjoyed it ... Follow me to know more about the nice stories and super powers of a consultant ... **

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