How To Plan A Revolution


The first thing I feel as I open my eyes is the sharp pain in my head. I take a look around and discover I'm in some sort of metallic structure. Wires are dangling all around, the lights go on and off.

I stand up and regain enough balance to walk shakily down the structure. Taking a couple steps reveals a door on the other side. I progress steadily towards it.

I eventually reach it and tap the handle. The door opens giving me a view of space. Dozens of broken ships litter my view, dead bodies float in the void.

At that moment it hits me, I recall why I'm here, I recall what happened. I am starting at the fruits of revolution.


Earth 2184

It had been over fifty years since the Ark left and the political landscape of Earth had turned bipolar. The departure of the leadership of the Hungarian Collective had left a power vacuum that was filled by the Monrovian and Brazzaville Collectives. Both we're equally terrible, tyranny and corruption were the order of the day.

People on both sides of the divide had had enough of the Collectives. They wanted self governance and so far the Collectives weren't having it. As fate would have it, the independence activists weren't backing down either.

When it became clear that they weren't going to achieve their objectives through dialogue, the activists went underground. Working in the shadows the activists laid out a master plan to break free from the Collectives. As far as they were concerned both Collectives were two sides of the same Coin. It didn't matter how different they claimed to be from each other, if one went the other had to go too.

In a short while their ideas had spread throughout the Earth. People were waking up, a revolution was coming.

Present Day : 11th October 2187

The present day finds me in a ship on a mission to Luna. Ever since the departure, space technology had progressed at a rapid pace. Man had developed the ability to live permanently in space. Expensive hotels and space habitats drifted in orbit, exclusively for the elites.

Manned and unmanned mining stations in the inner solar system provided humanity with the necessary materials to survive.

The plan was to launch an attack when the Collective leaders were out in space on an inspection of facilities on the moon.

At 19:37 the plan went into effect.


The destruction before my eyes was only the beginning. It was bound to get bloodier as this crusade gained momentum. I console myself with a quote from our forgotten past; "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". It is clear to me now, those who want freedom should be ready to pay the price.

I am ready, are you?

This is an entry to the Tell A Story Contest by @calluna.

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Image credit @jacksondavies, pixabay

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