Tell A Story To Me, And Win 5 SBD! Writing Contest #3 & Winners – Poetry/Prose – Theme Revolution

Tell A Story To Me,
Oh The Endless Possibility,
Let Your Imagination Run Free
And Maybe Win Some SBD!

Welcome to Tell A Story To Me. I have another prompt for you, and yet again, you have given me the gift of some truly wonderful stories. Thank you all so much!

The Winners

I said if we get enough entries, we would have second and third, sadly we didn't quite make either this week (10 to trigger second, 20 to trigger third) however, I am introducing a new prize, for Stand Out Story. This is where you get the chance to win again from the previous round. 1SBD will be awarded to the most memorable story from last week, the one I have been thinking about the most, but didn't win. You all succeeded in setting me a very difficult task in picking a winner, I have sincerely enjoyed rereading and rereading these brilliant stories trying to pick just one!

First Place - Winning 5 SBD - @jacksondavies

The concept of the towers in this one is a great idea, the viability of the solution, as well as the very believable repercussions. I love how the story spirals, and I really appreciate the tone of recounting events that have been lived through. Without a single description or mention of a character, one is still created, and their perspective understood. Progressing a story over such a long period can be a tricky thing to do, but here, I can just imagine something like a child's offhand comment about a solution to the current problem overpopulation sparking granddad to sit down and tell the story of the last time they tried. The story ties itself up wonderfully, the ending which comes full circle to begin again, yet still left you wanting to hear more.

Stand Out Story From Round One - Winning 1 SBD - @mervin-gil

The idea of crossing realities as described in this story is fantastic, if anyone missed it, it is really worth a read. Other versions of yourself, other versions of your reality, and a shared space, an overlap of sorts that allows, with the right conditions, passage between the two. One of the wonderful things about this story, is that this core concept extends beyond the story itself making it even more memorable.

Honourable Mentions

I am so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to tell me a story, literally all of the entries in this round were fantastic and I have loved each of them. It really feels like we are sitting down together and you are telling me a story of old. It is a magical honour to hear them all, insights into the worlds of another's creation. I had a hard enough time trying to pick a winner, and felt like you all deserved a mentioned, but that said, I had to cap myself somewhere, so with great difficulty, here are a few that are really worth a read (Although they all were and I would recommend anyone who has to time giving them all a look through)


With this captivating story of a ever waiting solution to over population from a slightly different perspective...


With this epic of mankinds encounter with another species and the dawning of a new chapter...


With this brilliant tale of nutricorn, the crop which proves to be quite the solution...

It was genuinely impossible to try and rank such brilliant stories, each worthy of recognition in it's own right, I have sincerely purchased scifi magazines and books that had nothing on the collection of stories you have all created. This round, there was such variety of ideas and stories that although different, fitted so well together, you could easily form a collective and combine all of these into an amazon book (and have readers arguing about their favourite for hours!)

We are adding an extra prize for the last round, a further 1SBD for fellow authors choice

So if you entered the last round, vote for your favourite from the other entries in the comments below, and I will do a post announcing the winner in the week! Good Luck!

Round Three


1. One Entry Per Person
2. Prose, poetry, any form of fiction is accepted, as long as you tell me a story
3. Your opening line or title must incorporate the prompt
4. Entries must be submitted by the time this post pays out (7 days from now - the winner will be announced a few days later)
5. Use #tellastorytome, you don't have to, but your stories are so good I feel like they deserve their own tag
6. One picture only please, additional images of text are fine, but I want you to tell me a story with words, so only one actual picture
7. First Place wins 5SBD (If we get more than 10 entries, there will be a second place winning 2SBD, if we manage more than 20, we will unlock third place winning 1 SBD)
8. Upvote this post, and resteem (not resteeming won't get your entry disqualified, but resteeming is very much appreciated to help get the word out there, and more entries means more prizes)
9. I don’t really want to specify a length, aim for under 4,000 but if it goes a little over, don't worry
10. Post a link to your tale in the comments below
11. Introducing the Stand Out Story Prize where 1SBD is awarded to the most memorable story from the last round

The Prompt

You must incorporate the prompt in either your opening line, or title. It must be featured in it's entirety, although you can make this part of a longer sentence.

“Planning a revolution..." OR "How to plan a revolution..."

I have so many ideas for stories I would love to hear, I hope I get chance to use them all. This week, with a choice of two prompts, I would like you to tell me the story of a future revolution. This is another topic I love, from 1984 to The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, from Wheelworld to Westworld, you can't beat a good resistance!

I am looking to hear the story, set in the future, of a revolution against a corrupt domineering state.

If you are looking for more ideas, some of the questions I am hoping to see answered are:
- What makes the state something people would rise up against?
- What do you need to orchestrate an uprising?
- How is the resistance structed?
- What happens if they get caught?
- And of course, does it succeed, why, or why not?

I am really looking forward to reading this next round of entries and seeing what you have for me this time. I very much hope to be able to keep this going for a while. Don't forget to include a link in the comments!
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