Birthmonth, Day Two: Creative Writing challenge Task #5: A message from the past

Hello Friends,

In case you haven't heard, @steemfluencer has just announced the fifth challenge. You can read more about it by clicking HERE!! I believe this officially marks the halfway point. Everyone is very motivated to finish. I wish I could say I was thriving, but I have been struggling with this challenge.

I guess that is the point. I thought joining a challenge would automatically trigger my creative brain. This hasn't been the case. Nonetheless, here we are, knee-deep in a challenge.

Wish me birthday luck! & Check out my birthmonth post!

The task

The task is to finish Adam's message. This is important: women can change Adam's name to a woman's name, and write a message as the kid’s grandmother. If you like Adam though, feel free to remain with him.

The Message

A message from the past. ”Dear grandchildren,” he started. “I'm Adam, your grandfather. I know what are you thinking about. :) I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only twenty-five. Cool, isn't it? :) At the moment of watching this video you might be already tenyears old or older. I don't know your names, what you look like, and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist.”

The Main Character

Name: Adam.
Age: Twenty-five-year-old man that has graduated from the University of South Florida.
Major: Undergraduate program was done at the College of Arts & Sciences and his favorite course was the Creative Writing course.
Heartbreak: Adam has never had a girlfriend, although he fell in love a few times in the past seven years. He has a lot of free time now, and instead of hanging out with friends, he has decided to devote time to recording a special message.
Goal: One morning, he woke up with an idea to record a message to his future grandchildren. It would be great for them to see who their grandfather was at young age, he said to himself.
Scene: It was September 29, 2017. A rainy day. The perfect atmosphere to finally start working on his message.

Task 5.jpg

The Story

”Dear grandchildren,” he started. “I'm Adam, your grandfather. I know what are you thinking about. :) I'm that young, because I'm recording this in 2017 and I'm only twenty-five. Cool, isn't it? :) At the moment of watching this video you might be already ten years old or older. I don't know your names, what you look like, and the strange thing is that I don't even know if you exist.

“I hope you know that I love you, even though I don't know you. I hope you kids love the ocean. It is where I find my peace on any given day. When I find myself lost or unsure of how to make the next big decision, I do three activities.

“First, I ask someone that falls within the trust of my core values. What I mean by that, is someone that loves the Lord like I do, someone that speaks wisdom gently but directly, and someone whose knowledge expands my own. I based my friendships, at least the closest ones, off of these values.

“Secondly, I pray about it. I pray to find peace about the decision. I pray for His will to be done and my heart’s desire to be fulfilled. I pray until I feel I think I know what needs to be done.

“Then, lastly I go to the beach. I let God's wonder overwhelm me with peace. I sit and watch the waves. I sometimes scream, or cry, or talk to the wind.

“As I sit here at the young age of twenty-five, graduated from USF, which by the way is your team too. Do me a solid and do not even consider the enemy school with gators. I actually forbid it, future grandchildren! Haha, but seriously don't do it. Where was I? Oh yeah, I am in my early twenties. My birthday is in a few days. So far, the twenties are my favorite. If you haven't heard yet, I had a rough patch during my teen years.

“Despite what you hear, read, or are told, I want to give you my side of the story. I was ten years old when I met the neighbor’s daughter. She was my best friend and we spent every day together for the next seven years. During my last year in high school, I got involved with the wrong crowd for a little too long.

“I was in the wrong place, doing drugs, and acting in the wrong. I would like to think that the family has forgiven me. I would like to think that she has forgiven me. There are certain actions and words that cannot be undone. We were on a boat, out late at night during one of the storms. The boat flipped over and I was completely intoxicated. I thought jumping in and swimming to shore would be the best idea. My neighborhood friend jumped in to save me.

“My reaction was inexcusable and unreasonable and I can only pray to be forgiven. I was arrested the next day and you know the facts. They are clearly stated. Please understand, I love her. Growing up, we shared everything with each other and I wouldn't be the man I am today without her. We planned to spend forever together.

“I will never be able to justify the stabbing, the trigger, and the one hundred days she spent in a coma. The level of pain I caused lives with me each day. I am here today to ask for your forgiveness. I spent my time in jail, fighting every day for life. After being released from prison, I have done a bit to prove my change in character.

“Please take that all into consideration.”

The end.

PS: Looking for a witness to vote?

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