Bahbahra Told Us to Smell the Flowers


Hi Bahbahra,
We are Dackel, Hasi and Susi and have been wanting to visit with you, ever since you invited us a few weeks ago.

But we had to come from far away and Hasi is not hopping so good right now, so Susi and I had to carry her a lot. And then, you told us to smell the roses. Well, all we could find were those cassias. They will do.


And it was a bit difficult to get up here. See, we had to climb a lot!!

But look, we are up here now! And we are seeing a yellow and even a white flower!!


We can smell them now!! So beautiful up here!!


Thank you so much for inviting us to relax today. We really needed it after our long journey. We came all the way from Germany. But we tell you about that next time. Now, we want to close our eyes and enjoy the sun.


Hope you are having some sunshine too. We hear it is cold where you live!! We don't like it cold. that is why we came to the sunshine.

Take care, dear Bahbahra,

With Love

Dackel, Hasi and Susi.

This is an entry to bahbahra's buddy contest click here

Oops - I just found out that that guy @tattoodjay has something to do with the contest too.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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