Joel Salatin - Farmer and Role Model -The Blog Post


Finally, I finished the blog post to go along with the podcast. Let me give you a link to our website The Sustainable Living Podcast

And I got the graphics mostly done. Here is the Pinterest graphic for you.

When I read Joel's latest book, I was most fascinated by the story of his family. and he was so kind as to indulge me in diving deep into that subject. To me, people's stories are what is fascinating.
And what a story Joel has to tell. From his grandparents to his parents, his life and now, his children's, the thread weaving all through is so interesting. Different, but also so much the same. The resilience, the ingenuity, the innovative spirit is there - in all generations.


I really want you to listen to the podcast and not tell you more right now. If you don't want to hop over to the website, here is a direct download link for you

Usually, I don't like to brag too much - but I am super proud of the way this podcast turned out.
And of this feedback I received on Instagram. Especially the first comment made my day!!


Joel is an amazing person and what an adventure his early years turned out to be!!

And a short post on Patreon


All images are my own unless otherwise cited. Photos of Joel provided by the Salatin team.


My recent posts

Day 27 - Prompt

Silver-Freewrite prompt: Bubbling

Freewrite Prompt: a shoe

Weekend Freewrite 2 - Donald

prompt compilation

MAP Forum Introduction

A Good Day to Go to the Market - It's Market Friday

Day 22 Freewrite - Prompt: itching

Joel Salatin - Farmer-Author-Speaker



Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here

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1 column