Apocalypse - A Glimmer Of Hope (An Original Fiction Story - Chapter 4 )

The first shot was fired. I couldn't tell where it was coming from,But The two occupied scrambling across the floor for cover. I had made it behind a counter in the kitchen but I no visuals on well, As I looked around frantically for him I had a moment to see my hands covered in blood and sweat. Coach I thought to looked out into the middle of the living room to see his body laying there. He was the only one of us who had any military training. He was our only chance and security. The chance of securing the truck. Our only chance of getting out of this situation, we now found ourselves in. It took a moment to gather my thoughts before looking for will. I peered around the corner of the counter into the living room and yelled alpha and "over here" yelled will. He popped his head out from around the side of what was left of the couch directly across from me. "I don't have my gun" will shouted. I thought you must have dropped it when we both hit the floor.

I scan the area and realize that Coach still had his gun in his hands. "Will you gotta get coaches gun" I yelled cross the room to him. "ok can you throw it to me" will respond in sheer panic. "The guns closer to me if you can grab the gun on your way over we can get out of here" I yelled over to him "fuck I don't think I can do it" will whimpered. "It's the only chance we have" I was cut off by the sound of the building shifting. All the gunfire must have unsettled the charge structure of this building. "We gotta go now will" I yelled out to will. "I can't" will said. "Let's go" I responded as I started to get up off the ground and headed to the door. "fuuuck" I heard will shout as he darted out from behind the couch toward coaches body. He grabbed the gun from his body and started running with me towards the door. As we escaped the condo I heard will shouting in Pain. And I turned around and see him on the floor in the hallway holding his upper thigh. He had been shot. 

We didn't have time to stop now and I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the stairwell. He was yelling and screaming in pain but we couldn't stop them. I had dragged down three flights of stairs and kicked open the exit door to the lobby. "stop stop stop" will cried out. We were halfway through the lobby before the building started coming down. The noise is so loud. The door to the stairwell blew off its hinges followed by a huge cloud of dust and debris. We  barely made it onto the street before being knocked to the ground by the force of the collapse I didn't know how long it passed before I came to. I was covered in dust there was a moment where I'd forgotten where I was. I'd forgotten all about the horror I was living through but that moment fled quickly as i noticed will to the left of me. The bullet must have hit an artery because there was so much blood. I shook him awake. He will peacefully in a calm expression as the asked "we saved". "Not yet pal" I respond with with the realization. He was fading quick. I removed my belt and tighten it around his leg to hopefully slow the bleeding. He whimpers slightly as I tighten the belt I looked around to see if there was anything I could use to help him. 

The first thing I saw was my gun. will must have dropped his when he was shot in the hallway. I picked it up and slam it around my back and continue to sit down to take everything in. Will it passed out again but I made sure you were still breathing. I don't think I've ever felt so alone that I have in this moment right now. I look down to the pile of rubble that was once the condo building and all I could think about was coach. I couldn't help but think it will and let us down here maybe he'd still be alive. But now isn't the time for what if, I thought about the pregnant couple and with the ugliness of war had made them do. I thought about the family back to the telemarketer center in the promise I made to them. As my head was swirling with all these thoughts I looked over to see the dust finally settle. About three blocks up i could see it well I'll be damned I said under my breath, There she is.

 To Be Continued ..... 

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Chapter 5 and The final chapter of this story is Coming Soon.

Did you missed the Previous chapter of this story?

chapter - 1 

chapter - 2

chapter - 3

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