Robinson Crusoe – Becomes a carpenter- Part-4

Robinson Crusoe Part-1, Part-2, Part-3

Robinson now had a living home which could prevent him from wild animals. All of his indispensible things were safely kept inside the cave.  He decided to invent the things that are located around his home. He used to hunt for food every day. The Island had plenty of animals to eat like pigeons, turtles, ducks and goat. He needed a table and a chair besides food. Without these things, he was not able to sit comfortably and write anything. He had to make these indispensible things himself while he hadn’t have proper tools.  


First, he made a table and chair using some boards that he had collected from the ship. He used that table as dining and writing. He recorded his daily activities on that table. 

He then moved towards the cave, which he used as store room and began to keep all the things in order.  He made large shelves of one and half feet wide and fixed along one side of the cave, which he used to keep all his tools. He then fixed some pieces of wood into the wall to dangle his guns and other weapons. 


The cave started to look like a home when he had arranged everything neatly and cleanly inside there. He was very happy with his own work. He could store all the things properly that he would need to use. 

Robinson then needs to make some little square boxes so that he could keep all his small things inside there. It was not an easy task because he used up all the wood that he brought up from the ship. He now had to cut down a tree to make those little square boxes. He needed a lot of time and effort to complete this task. It didn’t really matter how long he took making a square box because he had all the time in the world. In this way he could keep his hand and mind busy. 


Robinson now decided to expand his cave. As he didn’t have a spade, he faced trouble to dig. He finally discovered a tree of very hard wood in the forest. He then cut off a piece and pulled it home with great difficulty since it was very weighty. He slowly made a spade using that wood. He took a lot of time to make it. When the spade was ready, he used it to make the cave wider and longer. After eighteen days, he made the cave bigger and started to use it as kitchen and dining room as well as a storeroom. He used the tent as bedroom and living room. He now had a suitable room.  


Some part of the roof of the cave fell down just when he felt to have finished everything. He was frightened. He thought if he had been standing under it, he would have been killed. So he decided to bring up more posts to support the roof of the cave, so that it could not fall down easily. It was not an easy task for him, indeed!


Robinson had killed some animals to eat. Unfortunately those are not fit for health, but he kept the skins of all of animals and hung them outside home to dry. Some of the skins became so hard and dry that he could not use them for anything. Some of the others were proved very useful when his clothes were frayed and torn. He made new garments and a cap to protect him from the scorching sunlight. 

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