My first novel serialised for Steemians - Original Content - Chapter 1 Part 7

Deadlier Than The Male Recap:

A woman, walking alone from her job at a nightclub has the feeling of being followed and she is creeped out by the experience. She gives herself a telling off for choosing the lonely way back to her car and despite her caution, she is attacked.

Her future looks grim as the attacker takes his time to mentally torture her with imagery straight out of the most horrific nightmares imaginable.

With a sharp and unexpected turn of events, we catch up with the survivors…

To catch up with the beginning of this story, please follow the links:

He took the bag with care, not knowing what to expect.

“What the fuck are you doing with that?” Steve said as he pulled a small plastic bag from the front pocket. He closed the bag by sliding his fingers along the top to seal the locking mechanism.

“Why?” was all he could manage as he held the bag containing a used tampon in front of him, using just his finger and thumb. His nose wrinkled in revulsion.

“I told you, it was insurance that Jez would follow me.” She shrugged, unabashed. “There are certain aspects of this job that are disgusting, that happens to be one of them. It’s unfortunate, but Jez had to scent human blood on or around me, otherwise he wouldn’t have been interested. He had killed last night and I had to have something which grabbed him and forced him to get interested. His taste for blood had been slaked a little, so I attacked his olfactory senses.”

“So this isn’t the first time you’ve done this?”

“Not at all, I’ve used this type of method hundreds of times. They’re quite neat little inventions if you think about it.”

“I’d rather not think about it. Jesus, where would you..? no, I don’t want to know anything about it.”

“Actually, I get them from the sanitary bins in the toilets. I don’t go asking women if they have a used one that I could borrow, you know.” She laughed at the expression he wore.

“It’s more difficult to find something if I’m hunting a female Throwback though.”

She waited for a second until his mind had caught up and his expression went through realisation, shock and back to disgust once more.

He shuddered and muttered, “Oh for God’s sake!”

She just laughed. “It’s something you have to get used to, I’m afraid. Put it back in my bag, I’ll dispose of it properly when we get to where we’re going.”

He dropped the plastic bag back into the open front pocket on her work bag and dropped the bag in the back. He held his hands up and away from him as though they were contaminated and he couldn’t bear them near him.

She threw a pack of hand wipes to him without a word.

As he wiped his hands, he changed the course of the conversation.

“Who’s our passenger then?” He nodded his head toward the back of the car.

“His name is or was Jervais Marchand. He’s from an ancient French Wolf family and at least a couple of hundred years old. He’s been busy slaughtering women in France for the past few years, in much the same sloppy way as the one last night. He brought the press to the door of ‘L'Ordre’ - the French syndicate - once too often.

“Eventually, after too many warnings given and promises made that he would change his ways, he was put on the most lenient charge they could come up with and expelled from France. I know that he was treated favourably because his grandfather and great-grandfather are both on ‘Le Comité’ but I can do nothing about that... yet. You’ve heard of the Du Sang family?”

“Jesus,” Steve exclaimed. “You’ve killed a member of the Du Sang family? You’re for it now!”

“No I’m not. You forget I’m older than most of the Du Sangs. I was born even before Jez’s grandfather reached full-Wolf. The Sentinels were put on alert before the trial was held, just in case Jez decided to do a runner. The English Committee know all about this particular investigation too. I’ve kept them up to date on a daily basis. They agreed with me that he needed to be stopped. We can’t have Humes thinking that Werewolves exist can we? They would hunt us down and there would be all-out war.

“The Order also contacted Le Comité last week to confirm everything. He was found guilty in his own country and therefore England’s Committee - or Sentinel representative - could pass sentence if he continued to commit his crimes here. No doubt when I get this body to them, they’ll carry out tests to see if my theory is correct in that Jez is - was - a Throwback. Then they will refrigerate it and contact L'Ordre du Loup to collect it.”

She made sure he was keeping up with her explanation and continued. “If he had gone to Germany, the result would have been the same. ‘Die Reihenfolge des Wolfs’ were on alert and had requested that I personally take my notes over to them if I hadn’t caught him here. If he had got to Scotland though, I’d have been stuffed. We’d have had to apply to their Committee to pursue him and he could have gotten away in that time.”

“So why are you playing this strictly by the book? You don’t usually need witnesses and corroboration for such a kill, do you?”

“You’re right, I don’t, but I have to be whiter than white on this one, there are no margins for error. I don’t want any loopholes left for me to have my head pulled through and hanged by. This needed to be an absolutely perfect execution and not only for my own sense of satisfaction. I know who I killed tonight belonged to an important family and I know that if there are any repercussions for his death then I shall be bearing the brunt of their wrath. Even if there are no visible anomalies, I’m sure they will find some or make them up.”

After a few minutes’ silence, Steve once again asked a question:

“You said that Jez has been hunting openly for only a few years, why would he suddenly start?”

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