Alcoholic Stories 1#: How I dropped out of high school.. For the first time

Welcome to this series of poorly written alcoholic stories, exclusive for Steemit.
My introductional post can be found at: @modernbukowski/modern-day-bukowski-introduction
... Alright lets get things rolling, today I want to talk to you about how I dropped out of high school for the first time.

Middle school was a lot of fun for me, I was barely attending school and was already learning about the importance of being a cool guy in school (which I wasn't) and how to expand my taste palette, from fine cognac to ages whisky, it was sort of schooling itself. Good times. But now that I became an adult at age of 16 (not really, but in my deluded world I did) and knew I had to move to high school, because everyone else was doing that. Even in Eastern Europe.

But it was obvious as sky that I wasn't performing well in school, so my mother suggested I try a vocational school instead (like a trade school combined with high school education, but with lower pressure on grades, usually losers go to vocational schools around here) to learn a trade so I could still make use of myself. I was neutral on the stand as I was still living in my mother's appartment, so she suggested that I learn a trade that would be relevant and in demand even in 20 years, but unfortunately I had no hobbies or interests other than loitering around and getting boozed up. I couldn't care less for school. So mother suggested I learn to become an electrician, so that's what I did. I signed up to become a handy, crafty, dandy electrician.

I hated every second of it. I would use school breaks to get a few beers and spend the hours in school just daydreaming about irrelevant non-sense. Needless to say I didn't last song, about 6 months and then I just gave in to alcoholism for full time, but my mother was taking none of this. Fun times ahead. I was barely even home by this time, just loitering around with older, shady folks, there was always an apartment body or something along these lines going on. The close tight social circle included some carjackers, drug dealers and extremely cheap women with huge self-esteem issues, but I really didn't think much of it at that time. Not sure I even liked these guys, but it was interesting visiting casinos at age of 16, meeting underground figures and getting be around "cool" people. But people came and go and not much happened after school except for heavy drinking. Fast forward this year, can't recall much of it. I had made my choice that next year I would re-list to another vocational school, but in a different city, away from my family, so I moved into a dorm in a little village with population of about 5k people, mainly students. Age 17, already destined to be a great alcoholic and moved out of parents house, off to dorm to pursue a carreer in...

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