Homestead Happiness ~ Window To My Happiness

The Window To My Happiness

As I write this my Enrty to @pennsif 's Homestead Happiness challenge I have to profess that my homestead is yet a dream and a tenuous one at that.


A Dream

A dream that brings me happiness in that vague , foggy mist as if just awoken but still snug against the cold outside. This week, though sees that cold creep in and obscure my dream with a patina of nagging and mind numbing reality, that this body may never manage a real live homestead.


Tangible Happiness

Watching my daughter grow as a person, from a child into a adult. An adult who respects the environment, who learns compassion from living things, who can grow her own food, care for animals, respect the land and see past the clamouring and stress of teenage life. Who I've nurtured alone most of these past 18 years the best that I can, I am so proud of her, her drive and conviction. I truly believe that she wants us to fulfill this homestead journey even more than I do!


At Peace with the Loving Mother

There is a wonderful peace or surcease to the measured turning of the seasons, the ebb and flow of the life of growing things. I'm not a religious man but that doesn't exclude me from finding a spiritual connection with the world around me. The hum of the bees diligently working away, the songs of birds and the shushing lapping backdrop of the ocean's loving caress the shore.


Energised by Her Wrath

But also the invigorating stronger forces of our Mother her storms and rages, the lightening and thunder. The cyclones that wash away the grunge of stillness, flushing the rivers clean and scouring away the weak. The roaring rushing crackling consuming fire Wild in the bush, it's touch brings death and yet the surety of new life that only it can bring in this harsh and beautiful land.


Acceptance of Happiness

Sharing the garden with my daughter, our very old dog and one very inquisitive cat gives me hope for the future and happiness with my lot in life. Accepting our place within the natural world and connecting with the story of our food, these are the keys to my happiness. Some days I can and some days I can not. It is the path to wisdom learning which day is which.

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What It Means To Me?

Life does not need you to explain yourself, your vegetables don't expect you to behave in a civil manner. The mother expects you to simply be, to live and to grow.
It is Her embrace that I find my Happiness in nature, in myself, in my garden. The surety that for whatever man does tomorrow, be it love or peace or war and destruction, the sun will rise the moon will wax and wane.

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Wherever She can garner a foothold life will continue oblivious to the ramblings of a man in his dreams of homestead and happiness and life.

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