Between Life & Death - A Girl Living In The Middle Of War ( An Original Story - Chapter 5 : Escaping Enemy )

An original story about myself when I was a kid and how the life was when my country was in the middle of war. It's the second series that I am writing, but it focuses on a child living in the midst of war, that's why I called it Between Life & Death. The first series "Rejected Since Childhood" focused on my life at schools with classmates it was written from the first point of view while this one I have written it using the third point of view since I have found it easier to narrate the story.

My motive is not to grow sympathy for me but instead, I am just showing the reality as it is for children whose living with war condition in their countries. Consider circumstances to be even tougher than mine that I have experienced in my life. Hope reader will get out with something to carry on after reading this story. 

If you missed the first three chapters you can click here CH1, CH2, CH3 & CH4

The war ends, and the country loses the war; it didn’t take more than two months for such a result. Most soldiers were dead; the girl doesn't know anything about her father since he was one he was still there. The atmosphere around getting worse, random killers here and there increasing every day with the number of victims. Most of those people who’s being killed were soldiers that survived from war. At first, victims were only men, but it changes later, and the murders start to kill randomly with no discrimination; children, women, and men.

It was gloomy days that weather was able to express all that sadness laying inside people soul. The light barely was seen, and the nation already had their problems with electricity. One day, kids were at school and usually at the end of classes they wait for the small van that their family paid the driver to deliver them to home safely. It doesn’t matter if the Van can’t handle all children in the vehicle, all what it matter is that he’s getting money for a good amount of children to pick up and drop off. Normally drivers have two choices when kids number don’t fit the vehicle capacity. The first option is to let children squeeze and started their space they are taking in the seat so that there would be an extra place for another person to sit down, and also he will let some kids sit down on each other or stand inside the van until along the way some seats get empty. Children wouldn’t mind that kind of ideas and liked it since it will allow them to reach home faster and it also a fun way to experience along the way. The second choice that the driver do is to deliver as many kids and who left should wait at school until the driver drop all kids in his van and then he goes back to take the rest to their home.

The girl with her brother waits for her mom to reach with the car to pick them up. Vans drivers were already putting kids in their cars as the first round to drop off. Suddenly, voices of girls screaming shakes everyone at the spot, and it was coming from girls high school that is located all the way at the end of the main road.This road contains kindergarten, elementary school, and girls high school which is a little far from boys high school. It was necessary to separate girls from boys to maintain balance and safety for the two gender. You could say girls safety is more considered than males because she would be blamed and punished for whatever circumstances might get in her purity way as we could describe the days. 

My Real Elementary School

Those screams were found to be from inside the girl's high school, and it was so shocking and scary to hear from an adult so imagine how scary for a child would sound like. A person appears that came from the school direction and was barely taking his breath. He yelled as quickly as possible and sad run as fast as you could because of enemies land on the rooftop of girls high school building. All driver get on the car with whatever kids they could have fit in the van and drove out of place quickly. The girl was still standing there watching and hearing all actions happening around her not knowing what to do with that piece of information that been thrown into her. She knows that her mom will be coming so running away is not an option at the moment. She looked around, and some kids that left on there were standing with tears flooding from their eyes. The girl wanted to do something for them, but what is there to be done? Then she decided to take all kids and enter the school building entrance so that at least they are not exposed to whoever those enemies where. She stood in front of the door so that when her mom arrives she could see her and not get frustrated all over for them. 

A red car appears and it was the same as her mother car. The car was reaching with high speed as if there was someone following it. The girl looked closely and she saw her mom inside the car coming out shaking and searching with a scared expression on her face. At this moment the girl jumped up and waved to her mother so that she could calm herself a little. The mother runs and took Jojo and her son and dragged them to the car. While the mother going toward the vehicles, Jojo was looking toward the school door and wondering what will happened to those kids there. She thought that maybe her mom could give them a ride but then they might don’t know exactly where they live. Now to go back home they need to use the same main street that leads to girls high school so instead there was a little road that been blocked by armed men with guns. Just the idea of talking to them is more than enough to shake you. She drove the car toward them where they blocked the road with sharp metal where vehicles can’t cross beyond

The mother get out of the car with fears that control her movement and tried to communicate with the armed man. She begged him to open the road for her by removing the sharp heavy metal they placed to block the road. The guy accepted her request and remove it from the way and they were able to cross to the other road that is parallel to the main one. While they were trying to escape such event they saw girls running in the streets like crazy and trying to find a place to hide from the armed enemy. By coincidence she the mother saw one of her friends Natalie on the street and she approached their car. Natalie insisted on her to enter her house until the atmosphere outside calm down. The mother took her offer and went with her. The was a surprise waiting for them at her home, as soon as she entered she saw a lot of girls in her house. Her daughter was able to bring her friends temporarily to her house since it was the closest one to school. Girls all looked lost and shocked from wherever they have seen, the little girl was looking and observing every one of them individually. There is one that collapse, throw up, also there some girls who were busy talking to their family and some crying; it was a chaos to see. It was a situation that can’t run from and had to go through since scenarios like this would become routine events from now on to them.

Thanks for reading :)

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