Tony Williams Scene 03 Act 01


Previously on Tony Williams, You can check my blog to read up the previous episodes.


James made an early visit, he bumped into Catherine at the front door

Her hair was a mess, no make-up on her face, her clothes barely clinging to her, she had one shoe on and the other on her hand, she was obviously dressing in a hurry to leave

"C-Ca-Catherine?", her name followed his tears

Scene 03 Act 01 Continues...


There I stood, face to face with the love of my life. My heart ached badly, I felt dizzy and lightheaded. Trust me, it wasn't the hangover.

"Catherine?", James stammered in disbelief

"Who're you?", she blurted with a face riddled with disgust

"I'm Ja-", she pushed him aside and ran out

"Hey!", James called out, she responded by taking off the shoe she had on to gain more speed

Tony came to the front door hearing all the ruckus. He had a towel around his waist and a cup of coffee

"Man, She wore me out", He sipped, "what's up, James?"

He sprang up as he heard the voice of the devil, the man who crushed his love life goal.

In tears, he charged at him, clenching his fist. He threw a punch to Tony's face

They stood, motionless for a little while

Tony then sipped his coffee, "I fucked your girl and you couldn't even hit me? Wow"

James stopped himself earlier, really close to Tony's arrogant face

He hugged Tony and cried like a bitch

"This is so wrong", he held his towel and broke free

"How could you?!", James broke down on the floor

"Hmm, you said, 'she never flirts, never talks dirty, never gets drunk, and she's a virgin', right?"

James was quiet


James wiped his eyes but the floodgates were open

Tony sighed, "Look, I was hurt too", he said in a pitiful tone

James looked up, "you were?"

"Yeah... I wasn't even her first", he smiled ear to ear

warm tears streamed down his face

"I'll go get dressed", Tony stood and walked away, "You're welcome to cry all you want but keep it off my furniture please"


Tony was out some minutes later, all dressed and ready to leave for work. He had to take another shower after James cried on him

"So Jam-", he stopped as he saw James passed out on the floor in a pool of his own tears and vomit, "geez"

He averted his gaze in disgust and pulled out his phone

"Miss Lee, Tony", he checked his watch
"Good morning, Sir", she pouted, "I told you to call me, Nicki"
"Yeah, like you also told me to sign up for tambourine classes"
"Cancel all my appointments", he cut in
"Is something wrong, sir?"
He glanced at James, "you could say that"
"I'll contact our clients, if they insist on urgency, I'll have someone handle it"
"Ugh, can it be someone else?"
"How about Karen?, she can handle it better. She has-"
"Good, we agree on Brandon"
He hung up and flung his phone on the sofa,
He hung his suit in wardrobe, rolled up his sleeves and came closer to James.

"You can do better, man"

He laid him on the bed and wiped his mouth and eyes

"Great, now I have to clean that up too", Tony got to it


20 minutes later

He took a seat by James, crossed his legs and read the paper.

4 hours flew by


James woke up, the fresh scent of clean sheets gave him one less reason to kill himself

He thought waking in bed was shocking till he turned around, Tony was sleeping on the seat next to him. Clearly been waiting a long time for him to come to.

"I can't figure this guy out", he muttered, "one minute he's evil, next he's nice"

He tapped Tony's leg,
"Look who's finally up", he woke
James was quiet,

After a while, "aren't you gonna apologize for stealing my girl?"
"Hmm, are we talking about the girl that didn't recognize your face, care about your name, pushed you aside and ran like hell?", he reached for a magazine
"Touché", he caved

Awkward silence lingered on, James didn't know who to be mad at: The man who swept his beloved away, The girl who broke his heart, Or The idiot who never had a shot with her.

The choice was clear.


"I loved her... I did so much to get her to like me but I couldn't. I have this bad luck with women and it kills me"
"...", Tony flipped the page

"...Then you came around and she went for you. Clearly, its my fault she didn't like me"
He was quiet

"Can you tell me what my problem is?"

He sighed, "look James, you're a nice guy..."
"Thanks Tony...", his face lit up a bit. Finally, a compliment
Tony read his papers quietly once again

"umm, so, what's my problem?"
"I just told you...", he flipped the page, "you're a nice guy"

"I don't understand", reality hit him hard

"Can you at least tell me what to do to impress women?", James pleaded desperately, "you must have some technique"

"Hmm", he flipped through his magazine, "check out this model",

"damn, she's a 10", James drooled
"Let's say you met her, what would you do?", he passed the paper to him

James pieced his best game plan together as his eyes trailed her tan skin and rested on her ass

"I'd walk up to her, smile, talk to her, try to impress her, get her to see things we have in common, make her comfortable and get her number", his voice emotional, "Set a date, buy her dinner at a good restaurant, call her everyday, hear her laugh, buy her gifts, take care of her, make her feel special, love her with my whole heart-", Tony was struggling to hold his laughter, "what?"

"You'll make a fortune writing chick flicks", he couldn't hold back anymore, he took his magazine back

"What's wrong with what I said?", Tony's laughter troubled him, however, his desperation suppressed his ego, "Ladies say they want a guy like that, don't they?",

"And yet here you are, Sir Chicks-alot, looking for a lady to love you", he flipped the page

"Oh... So, I shouldn't do that?"
"If you want to friend zone yourself, you're welcome to"

"Tell me what to do then"
"Problem is, You 'do' too much", Tony said, "if you have to 'impress' her, then, you're saying you're not good enough for her"
"Well, clearly I'm not. Look at her Tony, she's a goddess"

"Hot ladies don't go for the nice guys, trust me, she meets tons of 'nice' guys daily, acting all friendly, showering her with compliments and attention, just to get her bent over... she gets a ton of dick pics on social media and lots of horny guys text her every night to get some action off her. What then sets you apart from these guys? How would she go for 'you' if you're like everyone else to her?"

"I... I... I don't know", James admitted

"Ladies want a challenge, 'nice' guys are just a warmup, they'll move on to guys they feel they can't have, should he appear"

So much are beginning to make sense even in his confusion, "Is that why Catherine went for Tony and never cared for me?", he thought
"What should I do?", James stammered.

"What you need to do sir, is get your hands on some nice breasts and hot thighs, cool off and relax man", he passed the magazine to him
"Damn, I do", he stared at the thicc model on the center spread page

Tony pulled his phone, "I'll make a call", he put it on speaker
"Really? You can fix us up?", James was excited, his third leg was proof enough

"KFC delivery speaking, what are you in the mood for today?"
"Chicken breast and hot thighs"

James face palmed himself in embarrassment
Tony smiled deviously

"How many buckets?"
"My apologies Mr. Williams, we have your data"
"We'll be there in 10 minutes, Sir. Pardon my mistake"

He hung up

"You did that on purpose", James said embarrassed
"The look on your face was priceless", Tony laughed

"I need help with women, Tony. I'm done feeling self pity", he flipped through the pages of ladies he'll never have

"Why should I help you?"
"Because you're a good man with a good heart?", James blurted as he stared at lingerie models

Tony laughed his ass off, even James didn't buy the bullshit he just said

he closed the magazine to regain some sense, "Come on, I need help...",

he paused, "...I need it badly"

Tony grinned,
"....That's what she said"


To be Continued...

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Writing is a side task for me. Bear with the long waits, I like to put in my best in every scene.

-King Alonso

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