They Didnt See It Beneath Them Chapter # 4 (Original Story)

Chapter 4: A Gutsy Giving

Gary and Trevor heard a splashing noise from behind them at the back of the boat. “What was that?” Gary asked.

“I don't know. Come on, let’s go!” Trevor said quickly.

They ran over to Scott who was wiping his hands on his shirt with a sour look on his face.
Gary and Trevor saw the fish chum and blood trailing from the back of the boat.

The bright, morning sunshine gleamed across the water's surface and lit up all the deep red blood in the ocean like a polished, and glossed ruby.
If it were evening time on a blood moon night it would have only amplified the fear and horror of the situation.

They were nowhere near ready to use the fish chum, let alone prepared to deal with consequences of sending out a blatant Come Find and Eat Us invitation to the entire food chain of stealthy, fast aquatic underwater predators. They would all be now coming in packs, including It; the unidentified horror beneath, swimming around somewhere, stalking and waiting for an opportunity like this.

Trevor’s eyes widened and he became angry. “What did you do that for Scott?!? What’s wrong with you!? We never told you to touch the fish chum! We needed that! I can't believe this! You just ruined our plan, and now there's fish guts all on the side of the boat.”

Trevor picked up the yellow bucket that was rolling around the floor and smacked it back down in its upright position onto the deck, which created a loud, thumping noise that echoed in everyone's ears.

“Sorry, I was just curious. I threw it overboard because it smelled terrible. I could barely breathe, it was so bad! But don't worry, we can always catch some more fish can’t we? Fish chum doesn’t seem to be so hard to make.” Scott said looking down, trying to pretend to be sad.

“That’s not the point Scott! You didn’t listen to us. I knew bringing you along was a bad idea. What a waste of chum! We weren’t even ready to use it yet. Man! Now we are being hunted as we speak! We gotta go! Who knows what is beneath us now." Gary griped bitterly, walking away from Trevor and Scott to the front of the boat.

“Scott, go into the cabin right now! I'm so disappointed in you. Stay in there until I say you can come out. You should’ve asked us first before touching anything. Now, go! Go think about what you did." Trevor walked over to Gary.

"Sorry about my brother Gary… You were right. I shouldn’t have brought him along. That was a complete waste of fish chum. It cost me 70$ bucks specially tailored for catching the biggest predators around.” Trevor said.

Scott overheard them and mumbled lowly, “It’s not that big of a deal, but whatever, fine.”

Scott began to walk slowly into the cabin dragging his feet, but he abruptly flew upward hitting his head sharply on the ceiling of the entrance’s doorframe. Something big swimming by had slammed the boat from beneath with a forceful blow to the boat’s hull, but luckily the bottom shell didn’t crack or rupture open. Trevor and Gary were laying on the floor and were getting back up to their feet.

“Guys! It’s Here! It’s Here!” Gary yelled out with certainty, frantically looking over the boat’s side rails holding them tightly.

Trevor ran over to Scott asking him, “Scott, are you okay?”

Scott was rubbing the top of his head. “Yeah, I’m alright. Thanks.” Scott murmured as Trevor pulled him back up to his feet.

“Good.” Trevor said sharply. “See this is exactly what happens when you dump the fish chum out! We don't even know what the heck that was, but prepare yourself for whatever comes next. We all need to stay alive. Whatever happens don't freak out. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, or any of us. The last thing we need is you flying out over the handrails into the ocean. Got it?! Now, get in the cabin, now!”

Trevor pushed Scott into the cabin before he could reply and react and shut the door behind him. Trevor went quickly to check both waterproof cameras to make sure that they were recording, just in case if it was the creature that they had encountered yesterday. Scott ran to one of the windows in the cabin and was looking outside with wide, open eyes waiting for the next attack. Gary was sitting in the driver’s seat starting up the engine, revving it loudly in hopes of scaring or intimidating whatever was beneath them, and prevent it from attacking them again from beneath the boat.

Gary yelled out, “I’m going to put a safe distance between us and the fish chum! It’s gotten all around the boat and we’re directly in the middle of it like sitting ducks, a bull’s eye mark!”

As Gary pulled away from the center of the pool of blood, fish guts and meat, the emerald, brown and silver colored monstrous fish broke through that very center of bloodied-water at the exact moment the boat had left that spot, nearly hitting them.

It's ginormous gaping jaws and sharp teeth closed shut with a gigantic force of strength.

Trevor and Gary stood in awe with their mouths open and Scott’s eyes were about to pop out of his eye sockets from how shocked he was. The creature crashed back down into the ocean the same way a Humpback Whale does, body slamming the water’s surface after displaying an awesome jump upward.

It displaced a large amount of the ocean area it landed in and sprayed the air with seamist and big quantities of falling water. The after-waves and ripples of the mysterious colossal fish’s impact into the ocean had rocked the boat outward and a large amount of water sloshed onto the deck floor, drenching Trevor and Gary's pants and shoes.

The massive creature was in a frenzy and smelled the blood all over. It was moving swiftly and preparing for another rushing bite!

Thank you for reading Chapter 4 in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it so far.

Written By Verbal D & Co-Inspired By My Lil’ Bro Jacob

All Gifs Used From

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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