Geek Fiction - The Red Head And The Lake

I met her at a work party. We both worked for the same bank but at different branches and at different ends of the city. But every year, all the workers in the city would meet at a banquet hall to celebrate the years achievements. It was a work party and it felt no different than work. Worse. All the higher ups were there and you needed to give off a certain impression. It was like you were at your first interview but everyone of power was listening in. Every drink, morsel of food you put in your mouth or step on the dance floor was met with glancing eyes. Okay, maybe I'm being a little paranoid but it is hard to relax around these people. But of course you had to be seen.

Enough time has passed. I could make my exit without being rude. I almost spilled my drink on myself but I managed to make it through the night without incident. Which is saying something for me, I wear more food than I eat. But then someone caught my eye. A woman in a red dress. But the colour was nothing compared to the red of her hair. A brilliant shade that shined in the sunlight. After she smiled at another woman, she turned to walk out of the hall. I thought maybe she going for a smoke, or maybe she was leaving. I had to see. I had to, at least, try to say hi.

I took a step outside. I did not see her. There were a few smokers huddled together, the last of their kind. But no red dress. I figured she left. But then I saw something in the distance. The hall was in the middle of park and there were small lakes around the walking pass. And it looked like someone was standing in one. I took a few steps closer. It was her. She was wading through the water, her designer dress wet.

Curiosity got the better of me. I walked to the edge of the lake.

"Too bad I didn't bring my swim trunks," I joked.

"You don't need them, come join me." she replied with a smile.

Those eyes. The first thought that came to my mind was the story of the siren and the disaster that followed. What if one of my bosses saw my frolicking through the lake like a child? It would be hard to argue for a promotion. But her charm got the better on me. I took of one show and then the other. Then, slowly, took a step into the water.

"You need to learn to just jump in."

I took her advice and put my other foot in the water. The water came up passed my knee.

"Well I didn't think I would end up here this morning."

"You would be surprised where you will end up if you live a little."

I took a few more steps towards her.

"Do you always going swimming at corporate events?" I asked.

"Only when they are as boring as this one."

"And you don't worry what people think?"

"If I did, I would not be in the position I was in today," she replied.

"And what position is that?"

"I'm going to leave that a secret for now."

Another smile. We stayed in the water for a few minutes. Light banter that flowed as a naturally as the water we stood in. But then it was time to leave.

"Are you really going back in?" I asked.


"But you are soaking wet."

She just shrugged. I was going to make a run for it, but then I remember my coat was on my chair.

"Shit, I left my coat inside."

"I can get it for you if you want... if you are going to send me in there all alone."

"I will lose points if I do won't I?"

She nodded yes.

"I will need encouragement, maybe if you hold my hand."

"Smooth, I think I can do that."

She laced her hand within mine. My heart raced. All of a sudden I forget I was about to walk into a busy hallway with my bosses soaking wet.

We took a step inside. There were stares. But I don't now if that was because we were wet or the usually attention this woman garnered. I lead her to my table and grabbed my coat.

"See not so bad," she said.

"Maybe I need to relax a bit."

A woman approached from behind.

"Are you leaving Mrs. Johnson?" she asked. She was one of the bosses.

"I think so it is getting late." she replied.

Then it hit me. Mrs. Johnson. The CEO of the bank.

"Are you Johanna Johnson?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded.

"Well this is embarrassing."

"Why, I think it's cute. What branch do you work for?"

I told her thinking I would need to find a new job.

"I will have to come by and visit."

"There are no lakes around there though."

She laughed. "Yeah but there is a nice coffee shop."

She turned and left the party. I took a minute to sit and laugh at night I just had.


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer: @whatageek/my-steemit-account-where-i-stand-on-bots-self-votes-and-multiple-account

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