A psychedelic tale fighting adultness(original story and drawing)

„Does the process of thought always lead to solitude?” the pink princess thought. She had been invited to an old schoolmate’s tea party. The pink princess had decided to escape the clutches of a mannerly education when she got the feeling that her teachers were neither educated to answer her questions satisfactorily nor intellectual enough to scrutinize the topics of their lessons in any interesting way. These people appeared in a grey shade to the pink princess, numb and withered was their mind. And every subject discussed in the cold, decent atmosphere of school turned even more tiring when the living dead advocates of formal education tried to bring spirit to their lessons by handing out their unimaginative work sheets to the resigned students.
For some years the pink princess had spent her hours at school helping the other students to finish the easy tasks which should be done by the pupils. Another year she used to show the teachers how easily she could beat them in their own premier competition: spitting out book knowledge as if written words and information could resemble wisdom. When this boastful talk bored her she proceeded to show her despite for the respectable classes openly. She burned her school books in the classroom and added soap to the water spilled out of the fire sprinkler so the whole classroom was filled with bubbles. In this period of her short school carrier she found some friends who also adored every chance to play tricks on the authorities and enjoyed their traitorous acts of sabotage.
But when she decided to leave school for the real adventure of live the others were afraid and decided to stay wasting their time listening to the dumbing words of people who only talked to them because they got paid. One of her closest friends, the green, spiral necked giraffe, who was very talented in picking locks, skipped school sometimes to meet her for some forbidden adventures, but the little, fuzzy, red crocodile, the purple bearded, yellow hippo and the pastel coloured gnome were afraid to get into trouble with their parents and decided to keep their revolution within the classroom.
Now all of them sat together with a cup of tea and after summarizing the events of the last years her old friends looked at the pink princess expecting her to tell some of her adventures. Their words had left her speechless. All they knew to talk about was exams and grades, plans for earning an income and other adult clobber. It was like a greyish wall already separated them from her. She remembered well that when they had been younger every thought that one had could easily be evolved in the others head but now their paths had become inarticulately for each other. She did not want to behave like a supercilious oaf and thought about how to describe her freedom of living adventurous every day without disparage their way of living. It was not easy. Finally she said: “Most of the time I live in solitude, thinking about what life, thought, sense and all those abstract words are. If this bores me I go out for dangerous adventures that just occur. If nothing special passes I do the best I can do and burn cops cars!” Now her friends were speechless.

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this piece of the psychedelic tale. If you are interested to read some more check out this links:


Lots of Light and Love<3

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