Story Cubes Contest, Round 3 Entry

A Tiny Ode For The Height Challenged


Everything is always just out of reach

The following smattering of rather rhyme-y words is my entry for @jacobtothe's Story Cubes Contest, Round 3. The cube of a person reaching for something over their head got my creative juices percolating, and I also drew inspiration from the thought bubble cube, digging a hole cube, hand shaking cube, and ball dropping cube.

And here we go:

A Tiny Ode For The Height Challenged

Always out of hand's reach, a desired item needed
Perpetual requirement of an aid for a task to be completed
Raining down from lofty heights, constant mockery befalls our ears
A longing builds to show the towering behemoths exactly what it's like down here
Empathy is required, they need to understand
Inspiration it strikes, a thought bubble expands
If only the giants of this world had holes in which to stand
They would comprehend the long, non-grasping stretch of a small person's hand
Inconvenience and humility felt, a tiny acquiescence they could concede
And forever the gargantuan would have a hand for what they lost beneath a seat

There's just one problem with this grandiose and colossal scheme
The sheer volume of empathy holes needed is a total pipe dream
Alas, I have neither the time or the army of pit digging acolytes
My plan of short teasing elimination is fleeing like summer twilight
A reality ball drops its crushing weight of realization upon my head
The dream of achieving mutual understanding wanes, it just might be dead
Upon the counter crawl I once again, morose due to a lack of success
Enlightenment suddenly smacks me as I wallow in my duress
The tall must reach down as often as I need to reach up high
We require each other's opposite attributes in order to get by

Contentment builds as illumination fills my open mind
The tall will tease the short and the short will proceed to forever unwind
Bouncing round chihuahua-like, I'll continue espousing my incessant outrage
Playing the role Nature granted me, you'll definitely know my historical page
However, in the depths of my stature-challenged, oxygen-rich cranium
I'll be aglow with the knowledge that giants need the tiny as much as we need them.
So in the end, I will proudly endure the ribbing that comes at my expense
For by the time a leviathan realizes how far ahead I am, their thoughts will be past tense
My lamenting over, jesting made regarding my stature is at this moment complete
And yes, now that you mention it, I could really use that booster seat.


I use this thing so much it could be considered an appendage...

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's dwelling closer to the earth than most iPhone.

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