It's A Total Takedown!

And An Update To Generikat's Shelf

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Part of being a librarian is making sure that you keep the collection weeded, organized, and up to date. What kind of librarian and blogger would I be if I didn't apply the same practice and principles to my blog? That said, it is a bit challenging to keep our Steemit posts organized, and as a solution a couple of months ago I implemented @generikat's shelf, a blog post that contained my entire collection of posts organized under subheadings by type.

However, more than a month has gone by since I had updated GK's shelf, the horror of it all!!! Have no fear dear readers, that undone chore has been completed and at the end of this post you will find a completely updated version of generikat's shelf. I will link this post to my future posts all in the name of organization and stuff! All you'll have to do is click the link below the Squeakers cat and Gunnar dog GIF!

As a blogger who always strives to provide new content in every post I remembered that I had this funny video clip of my tabby cat Squeakers and Boxer dog Gunnar engaging in a tete-a-tete in my living room. That particular dialogue devolved into the best cat versus dog take down that I have ever had the privilege to witness. It was like a visual representation of a "score one for the little guys" moment.


Let me tell you a bit about Gunnar. His IQ unfortunately, was not far beyond turnip and slightly below ameoba. One afternoon my brother and I were sitting in the yard, and my husband was cruising down the barn road in front of us in our 74' Ford pickup. Gunnar was running along next to them staring at all of the kids in the back of the truck. His attention was so fixed that he did not see the 3 foot in diameter Ponderosa Pine tree in front of him. A tree that I will note had been in the yard his entire existence. He hit that tree so hard that they heard the smack in the next county. It's a good thing that his face was already flat. I am reasonably sure that some bark came loose, and by bark I mean both tree skin and any and all of Gunnar's vocal dignity. To make matters worse, after he righted his smashed face form, he stared at my brother and I like it was all our fault that his idiot self ran into the gigantic tree. Bro and I stared open mouthed at the paragon of idiocy, then glanced at each other and proceeded to laugh until imminent urination was required.

Not all of the canine life that surrounds us is sub-intelligent. Right now I have custody of my little sister Zibbah as my parents are in a logging camp in Southeast Alaska. She is a nine year old red heeler, and probably the smartest dog I have ever encountered. Well, unless she is around something and my brother yells "take it," "bird," or "fly." Hmmm, she also loses her mind when she happens upon a running garden hose too, but still, I can tell her to go put that stick in the pile and she will do so. Smart. Her only problem is that she loves humans and hates all other animal life. This hatred is not in an aggressive way, rather her behavior towards others is a perfect representation of how my father behaves on any given day, with annoying irritation and antagonization towards all living creatures. If Zibbah or my dad can get creatures in their proximity all riled up than a self-satisfied smile can be seen lighting up their faces. Here's Zibs in action:


Why would I place a cat versus dog take down and a scrambled brain shaking dog in a post about organization? Because I can! That is the great thing about this place! You can have a post about reorganizing your posts while also attaching some funny content to (hopefully) entertain your readers. The Steemiverse is cool like that. Plus, a dialogue about pets and their weirdness will probably ensue, and who doesn't love a good ol' pet story!!

Generikat's Shelf-Table of Blogtents

Most Popular

Hyssop Harvest

Small Town Celebration Exploration

Greetings From Banff National Park!

Library Life: Summer Reading Kickoff

Sprouting And Transplanting Corn Seed

Building The Outdoor Oven-Part Two

Behind The Counter: A Librarian Confessional

Mexico Honeymoon: 17 Years After The Fact

Idaho Star Garnet Hunting

Marvelous Mia

A Phone Call With Grandma

Tomato Transplanting Time!

Building The Outdoor Oven-Part One


Initiating The Outdoor Oven

These Strawberry Fields Don't Go On Forever

A Morning Stroll On The Farm

Morning Yarrow Harvest

The Round Pen

Tales From The Tomerosa

Homemade Moisturizing Face Cream

Homesteading Fails

My Favorite Local Blueberry Farm

The Frugal Floor Project

Tales From The Tomerosa: Yard Raking Edition

Farm Fitness


Lavender Harvest: Part One

One Fabulous Fertilizer

How I Propagate Lavender

Mountain Valley Seed Co.: An Overview and Review

Tales From The Tomerosa: A Tomato Variety Review

Tales From The Tomerosa-A Seed Sprouting How-To

The Truly Marvelous Tomato Cage

Tales From The Tomerosa: A Pumpkin Variety Review

Tales From The Tomerosa: A Snow Pea Variety Review

Tales From The Tomerosa: A Gardening Equipment Review

Sunflowers: A Plant That Brings Joy To Many Species

Tales From The Tomerosa: A Mystery Squash Review

Seed Delivery From @papa-pepper

Seed Packet Signaling

The Ginorma-Pumpkin Quest

Microgreen Seeding On A Sloppy Winter's Day

Library Garden Craft Spotlight

A Gardening Book Review

A Microgreen Update

Farm Flowers!

Tales From The Tomerosa-A Watermelon Variety Review

Gifts From Papa-Pepper

Tales From The Tomerosa: Rapturous Roto-tilling

Daffodil Distraction

It Finally Stopped Raining!

An Ode To My Weed Eater On Wheels

A Few Perennial Herbs And Plants That I Have Growing Around My House

Garden Gadgetry

The Logging Camp Chronicles

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 1

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 2

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 3

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 4

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 5

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 6

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 7

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 8

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 9

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 10

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 11

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 12

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 13

The Logging Camp Chronicles-Episode 14

Library Life

Library Life: Parading With The Bookmobile

Library Life: Summer Reading Program Edition

Teen Maker Craft Day Extravaganza

Mind Catching Titles

How To Make A Librarian Smile: Cupcakes!

Behind The Counter: A Librarian Observational

Encountering Invidious Adult Tendencies

A Librarian's Guide To Communication Combat

Things Librarians Hear: Super Glue Edition

Library Program Spotlight: Edible Landscaping Edition

A Day In The Life

Patron Profiles

Lego Batman Party

An Afterschool Robotic Petting Zoo

Flight Of The Procrastinators

A Lesson In Co-Worker Valuation

A Couple Customer Service Tips and Tales


Tales From Tunnel Mountain

Glacier National Park Snapshots

I Saw A Dinosaur Tonight

It's A Glusher!!

And So It Begins.

Sojourning In San Diego

Two-Fold Travels: Ke'e Beach Edition

Idaho Star Garnet Hunting: Part Two-Suburban Shenanigans

Riveting Road Trip Attractions: Wall Drug

Wandering Up To Waimea Canyon

Random Roadside Attractions: Kauai Edition

Random Roadside Attractions: Grist Mill Edition

The Kauai Coffee Tour

Horseback Riding Peewee Trail

A Trip To Grandma's

Hurtling To Hood River

Sourjourning: San Diego Edition

The Old Point Loma Lighthouse

Balboa Park

Healthy Food

ChaCha John's Fusion Kitchen

Big Batch Pizza Sauce Recipe

A Healthy Hot Cocoa Recipe

A Paleo Cookie Experiment

A Thought Squall...Plus: A Recipe!

A Creamy, Blended Coffee Beverage

Healthy Brownie In A Mug

Generikat Grazes

Generikat Grazes: Meal Composition Edition

Generikat Grazes-Banownies

Not So Healthy Food

The Chocolate Carb Coma Cake

Salt Crusted Prime Rib

A Retirement Cake Fit For A Librarian

The Pastry Of My Dreams

Cream Cheese Butter Almond Cookies

Chocolate Oatmeal Snack Cake

Sunday Cake Spectacle

Mint Chocolate Chip Poke Cake


What Kind Of Writer Are You?

A Biographer's Journey

Homeschooling And Kid Related Activities

The Kohler Road Kids

Tales From The Tomerosa: Home School Snow Day!!!

Grammar Lessons With Generikat

Teach Your Parent To Shoot Night

Easter Egg Hunt @Generikat Style

Bi-Annual Pinata Project: Part One

Everyone's A Critic-Sport Parents Edition

Monster Truck Mayhem

Ramblings With Ron: Alaska Logging Camp Commentary

Ramblings With Ron

Ramblings With Ron: A Texted Photo Meander

Ramblings With Ron: Human Resources Edition

Ramblings With Ron: Origin Of The Bowie Knife Salute


Tales From The Tomerosa: Turkey Edition

Tales From The Tomerosa-Animal Edition

You Know That It's Cold Out....

Tales From The Tomerosa: Farm Dog Edition

Tales From The Tomerosa: Goat Gleanings

The Bird of Prey Versus The Window Incident

Tales From The Tomerosa: Pig Edition

Horse Hijinks

The Cat Clan Of The Grand Mayan


A Food Poisoning Lament

Only In North Idaho

A Day Out With Grandma

Punishment By Association

It's Okay To Sweat The Small Things

The Pine Pollen Plague

There Is Nothing Common About A Cold

An Observation Of Sheer, Rustic Genius

The Ballad Of Billy's Sled

New Year's Ruminations

Trail Ride Guide Tidbits


Track Tales: A Triple Play

"Once More Unto The Breach," er...Bedroom

How I Discovered Steemit

A Surprise Visit From: The Steem Gnome

An Amusing Anecdote

3000+ Steem Power-A Celebratory Post

And The Winners Are...

The Art Of Stopping

A Night In Ketchikan

MRMR-Mildly Ridiculous Music Reviews

The Castle On The Lake

The Art Of Communication

Podunk Perspective

You Can Steemit!!!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken or filmed on the author's pet hair covered and super organized iPhone.

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