My Steem Super Stars: An Interview with @Bitdollar

A quality writer on Steemit, that we all can learn from..

For my Steem superstars, I've been contacting my favorite Steemians and asking them if I can pick their brains a bit about Steem. I'm really happy today that Bitdollar has agreed to an interview.

(You can visit his blog here: @bitdollar)


HopeHuggs: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Bitdollar: Yep, I'm Bitdollar. I'm from Toronto, Canada. 30 years old. I'm a real estate investor, so I do have time on my hands to blog on Steemit, which I absolutely love to do and I love to focus on self development.

I love to work on myself and be the best version of myself so I'm constantly educating myself and love to connect with others and build a community to further that and help people and they help me, and it's all love.



HopeHuggs: When did you first find out about Steemit and how long have you been on Steemit?

Bitdollar: I've been on Steemit since I think June or July of 2017 and I started getting into crypto kinda in the beginning of 2017. My friend was like kinda getting into investing in different coins and he found out about Steem and then as soon as he was talking about it, I just knew it was a great concept for a cryptocurrency.

Because for me, I just look at the social media platform. The bigger it grows, the more valuable it is where some of these cryptocurrencies are not really anything, so I know the more people using Steam, it'll be more valuable. It's growing all the time so I just see the actual tangible product if you will, that it'll be there as long as the people are there. The X amount of people will give it X amount of value. That's a reason why I like kinda like investing in it. And then just the community is a beautiful thing.



HopeHuggs: But what did you do before Steem? Were you active on lots of other social medias or sites or ... ?

Bitdollar: Not really. I've always dabbled in trying to build up Instagram or Twitter a little bit, but you know I never really got really good at it or maybe or put enough time into it where the incentive with Steemit and getting you rewards actually helps you put in more effort and teaches you more about how influence works with social medias.

Steemit is exactly the same as any other social media where you have to give to receive. You have to give value. You have to give...connect with people for them to connect with you back. So Steem really teaches you that which is; it's an amazing product to again, teach you for all social media platforms. I love it. Again, I'm just learning so much about social media and how it works through Steemit also.



HopeHuggs: And would you say Steemit's changed your life in any way?

Bitdollar: Absolutely. It's again, taught me how to connect better with people. It's turned me into a creator. Like I've always dabbled a little bit in social medias, but now I started to look at myself as a creator. As like, each and every day I could take a blank page and I could turn something into that beautifully that makes sense that people can connect with.

And then, I always talk about how everything's patterns and habits and then I started view that with everything else in my life. Where I would just go and like ... like last year I went up north to my parents cottage and there's a lake there with a little bit of sand and then I ... and then like grass whatever.

And because I've been doing Steemit, I just thought like I'm just in the mode of creating, I like took all this grass and I made a huge beach there, where you just start to have these ideas to like create things and then you know things are possible for you to do different things where like usually you may just be sitting around doing nothing in life and you let life happen to you. So, it's made me more into a creator, which is like ... I believe that's what we all are and need to be.

bitdollar 4.jpg


HopeHuggs: What's the one thing you wished you knew at the beginning of your Steemit journey?

Bitdollar: I would say to, like I tell people to connect more with people. Like, if you do not put in the work to ... it's like commenting, everyone always says the number one thing. It absolutely is, but like again you have to give value to people.

You have to do things for them, for them to want to like see you, for them to want to like help you, for them to want to do anything for you. No matter like what your influence is, you still have to do that a little bit. And so I would say like, definitely, like everyone wants to just can make the best product, the best post, you can make the best anything, but if you don't market it correctly, and that's basically what almost commenting is.

Getting out there, connecting with people and that's putting a shining light on you so people can actually see you. Get the attention on you. That's what commenting is for sure.



HopeHuggs: That's some good advice. My next question is what three pieces of advice would you give a newbie just starting out on Steem?

Bitdollar: So one would be the commenting for sure.

Second I would say, like everything you gotta bring value. So you got to do things with the comments, with postings, with whatever you do. You have to do something where like, where someones going to appreciate that in some kinda way or like people are just going to like brush it off as nothing.

So you want to put in a little bit of quality to everything. Even with like connecting with people you have to actually care a little bit. As much as it's through a computer, people can still feel everything. So, you want to put in like emotion into your post because people will connect with that more.

Thirdly I would say, to put in effort. You know like anything ... work ethic is everything in life. So, the more you put into it, like if you took Steemit as a full time job, and you put in 8-10 hours a day, you would make massive amounts of gains really in it.

So, you can make it happen, and it's really amazing that like a platform like this is out there where you can create an income, you can connect with people, build relationships and network while making money from day one.

There's not many things out there like that. You can take advantage of this if you really wanted to. If you had nothing going on in your life so, it's a wonderful thing you just gotta, it's all with effort. Everything is I think.

HopeHuggs: Just grab hold of it and ...

Bitdollar: Exactly.



HopeHuggs: Are there any tools or apps that make your life on Steemit easier?

Bitdollar: Not really. I'm pretty simple. I'm just pretty much on on the main login website. It's mainly what I use. I don't really use ... I'm starting to get into DTube a little bit and things like that.

But, I used to use Markdown to like to write my posts on, but I typically just ... I'm writing on Steemit, which I gonna love it, how it's so simple. You can just write blogs on that's mainly what I do.

Other than that I do use, upvote bots time, which is also actually probably another good point. Where, when you don't have influence, a good thing is to try to get a few dollars to start to up vote your posts from ... as soon as possible really when you post them. Cause again, that gets more attention, more creditability to your post.

Where, I find that that does really well where, you know if your post has zero cents on it or twenty cents, a lot of people will just pass through it. If it has like four dollars on it, people will say like ... it's just like your reputation.

It's like sixty-three, you have a big up vote. People see that where it's like, oh something's important here, I need to look at it so I find that helps a lot to up vote your posts especially when your small.



HopeHuggs: Okay. Do you have any Steemit related projects you're working on?

Bitdollar: Not really. I do work with the Steam Engine. They're like a curating type channel to put out great content. Good quality content out there.

So, I'm just involved in different other groups like that where ... trying to build good content because I think for me, the main focus on Steemit is to, for myself to be a quality writer to bring it to Steemit and to have other quality writers there because obviously there's hundreds amazing writers of people are coming to visit all around the world all the time. It's just like a main TV station where like ... we'll give it such a reputation.

So, I think the quality Steemit writer is what will build up the platform to be a massive website.



HopeHuggs: Okay, do you have any additional advice that might help people with seeing more success on Steem?

I think I covered all my points. Again, I would just say, connecting with others. Connecting with people is your most valuable tool to have people there for you. I've been a real estate investor for almost 10 years, but I was also a day trader in the stock market for a while, and I was always like a hermit of never connecting with people as much. I was just trading on the computer 24/7.

Never talking to people that much and this is not good at all. You need to connect with people like for opportunities for happiness or whatever. Especially for opportunities. I look at it where, somethings could just be a phone call when you know people rather than you have to put in years of 10 years of work to get to where that phone call is for some people.

So, connecting with people is such a valuable thing. We're meant to do it. We're meant to help people, serve people, and that's what the whole scheme of community is all about. So that's why it's just a beautiful place for me and for so many people out there. That's one thing can benefit from on the Steemit platform.



HopeHuggs: Do you think there is an amount of posts that people should ... a sort of max amount of posts that people should post a day or? Following on from what you were just saying there.

Bitdollar: Yeah, I don't think so. Like, obviously you might become a little famished if you're like ... have them on you feed and you're posting all the time. I think maybe there's ... better to do more quality posts than to do more posts out there.

I would say, three posts a day for a person or at least one account would be sufficient. If anything, what you should do is probably maybe get another account and build that up. Build that up as quality accounts and those specific niches or whatever you're doing instead of putting all kinds of things.



HopeHuggs: Have you got an opinion on things like just picture posts or just memes?

Bitdollar: For me, I feel like you can put more into it. Eventually I feel like what will happen, those will be ground up. Where eventually there's going to be like ... if it's a trendy tab where like there's kinda quality posts there. I think the main ... when you're on Steemit, there will just be like quality writers that you'll mainly see until you dig down to go find the smaller stuff.

Just going into the new tab, that's where you can only find the other stuff. I think majority, eventually will have those quality writers will be the majority of their feeds and then you will have your other friends that just post whatever.

I think that what the platforms needs to be. We need to have like a ton of quality writers that are like the fore front of the whole website and that will just give it creditability for when new people come on. You can just go on and right away there's like this great article, this great interesting thing, that will give it ...

It's kind of like if you go on Snapchat. They have their stories and quality creators there. You can always go on there and check something out and it'll be like half decent to watch. So, I think that's where Steemit ... it's pretty much there just need to get better with the quality.



HopeHuggs: Yeah. Thank you very much for your time today. It's been an amazing interview.

Bitdollar: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me.


My Steem Super Stars so far...


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