Misconceptions About Polio Vaccination In Pakistan (Suesa's Science Challenge #2)

This post is my entry for Suesa's Science Challenge # 2.

In this article, we'll discuss misconceptions about Polio vaccination in Pakistan, their origin, efforts made to fight these misconceptions and the current situation of Polio disease in Pakistan.


Polio Virus In Pakistan

Pakistan is considered the exporter of the virus to the endemic countries. A research study entitled Factor Affecting Polio Eradication Program in Pakistan discusses it this way:

"Polio is one of the major viral diseases in the developing countries caused by a polio virus which leads to life time paralysis, usually in legs and in some cases even death could be occurred. The virus could be transmitting from one infected child to other and also passes to environment through feces of infected person. Polio is eradicated from the world except three countries i.e., Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. Pakistan is considered the exporter of polio virus to endemic countries with highest number of polio cases in recent years."

Efforts made to eradicate Polio virus from the world has been very successful. Despite so much success against this disease, there are still high risks of it spreading once again if it's not eradicated from the remaining three countries. According to WHO:

"Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases in more than 125 endemic countries then, to 37 reported cases in 2016." Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are the 3 countries where Polio remains endemic and if Polio transmission is not stopped, every year, there will be 200,000 new cases in the next 10 years, worldwide.


Misconceptions About Polio Vaccine In Pakistan

Taliban Fatwas Against Polio Vaccination

Anti Polio vaccination campaign started when Taliban gave fatwas against it back in 2006. Here are the few excerpts from different studies in this regard:

"Islamist-led propaganda campaigns against government-backed health projects, especially polio vaccination programs, began in Swat and Malakand regions in 2006. Maulana Fazlullah, the present TTP leader, spearheaded the effort."

He continued his propaganda against Polio vaccination through different channels:

"He criticized the polio vaccination program in KP (then known as the North-West Frontier Province, NWFP) through his illegal FM radio sermons and Friday prayers at the local mosques. He also alleged that the polio eradication campaign was part of a “conspiracy of Jews and Christians to make Muslims impotent and stunt the growth of Muslims. [1][2]

Attacks On Polio Vaccination Teams

After these fatwas, the Polio vaccine campaign got serious dangers for Polio workers. They had life threats from Talibans and their supporters. Several Polio workers were gunned down during that time. They were of the view that on one hand, Americans were striking drones on the people of Pakistan and on the other hand, they were trying to save the children from getting crippled.


The attacks on Polio worked kept increasing and it had a very negative effect on Polio eradication campaign. Being part of the Polio team was very life threatening and here is a report by Al Jazeera English in this regard:

Muslim Scholars Fight To Dispel Polio Vaccination Misconceptions

Religion is a key factor when it comes to seek guidance on some issue. It's a bit different in the main cities but in remote areas where there is lack of education and other modern facilities like telephone and internet, whatever people listen from sermons on Friday, makes their opinion. The religious fatwas damaged the Polio vaccine campaign and religious scholars could dispel it. One of the Polio vaccination team member appreciates the effective role of religious scholars this way:

"They have used their power of communication by clearing misconceptions during the special sermons on Fridays. Some of the scholars accompanied teams during our door-to-door campaign convincing parents, at a time where most of them would not even allow health workers to enter their premises." [Source]

Maulana Sami Ul Haq Endorses Polio Vaccine

Maulana Sami Ul Haq is a renowned scholar from Deobandi sect which is in majority in tribal areas. In this video, he says that there are no haram elements in Polio vaccine and that it's our duty to save our children from this disease:


The Current Situation Of Polio In Pakistan

As a result of very power Polio vaccination campaign in past years, Polio disease is now at the brink of eradication. Here is the stats for polio virus cases from 2010 to till date:

Polio 2017.PNG

It's appreciable that Pakistan is finally becoming a Polio free country. However, until there are zero cases of Polio viruses, it's threatening. We hope, the polio campaign eradicated the polio virus from Pakistan in 2017. Best wishes to the people who are saving children from getting crippled for life.


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