Donation Updates - Unknown Heroes Foundation

Greetings to all, in these brief lines I want to express my sincere thanks to the following users in the Steemit community : @punqtured, @sydesjokes, @minotaurototal, @team-mexico, @santiagolaw, @talentclub, @valeriabandes, @fuerza-hispana, @kryptonia, @superiorcoin, @angelgarz, @fundition

First of all it all started with this post (bilingual):


I want to explain that the Unknown Heroes Foundation works through donations, if no donations arrive it is difficult, very difficult to carry out charitable actions, cause is a non-profit foundation, I do not have a fund for future donations, but everything that is collected is used at the moment, is donated or bought what is necessary to donate (if people send money or crytpo currency I use it for buy medicines and food, and if someone donate clothes or toys I give to the children or the people, depending that need it: homless or donation into a hospital).

Our Networks:


In this case using the Byteball wallet address, I decided to create a special account just for Unknown Heroes, my foundation (which I created since 10 years ago, started in 2008 and is now part of the Steemit community). In the beggining in my journey with Steemit (since December, 2017), I used my personal account Steemit @nahupuku for receive it donations into my personal wallet, but then created the @heroesanonimos profile - which is inactive because sadly I lost the master password and later created this unique official account to receive donations: @unknownheroes).

The point is that by chance of fate and some help requested from me in Discord chat for a matter with the Steemit bot, I contacted the user @punqtured (in Discord ) cause he had created this post:


For a totally fortuitous reason, I ended up having a long and enjoyable conversation with @punqtured, creator of the above mentioned post and member of the Byteball team (Byteball user acquisition mananger). Because of fate we touched on the issue of foundations and he and his team and other members in Venezuela such as @santiagolaw, were interested in helping the country with the issue of donations and helping with the crisis that the country is currently going through. And I mentioned that I had a foundation and we talked about it. After a few days I decided to make the above mentioned post on my own: "Unknown Heroes Byteball Address for donations", and I left the post in Discord chat, hoping that he will reading the post at some point. And this same day my surprise was that he saw it and thought it was a great idea, in the same line that Byteball is also looking for, to help others to obtain a stable and easily accessible cryptomoney for as many people as possible, and later he published some very cool words in the official BYTEBALL Telegram, (yesterday, July 27th), I attach the capture of his message:


It was an excellent action and that of course led to several great byte donations which I will show you below. First I will show you the first image in capture that I published about it in the above mentioned post:

heroesanonimos wallet.jpg

As you can see, I'm attach the address of our wallet which is: unknownheroes - M76ZQBJOFPXSGERJYKJO62JOVPQPJDH6 - The post was created 5 days ago, on July 23rd, and it was not 24 hours before I had this balance thanks to the exceptional donations of the community: @talentclub

recaudado lunes 23 julio 2018 heroes anonimos.jpg

Almost 9$, all of which were converted to STEEM using the following process explained by both @minotaurototal and @angelgarz users, which were very helpful since I'm learning to use Bittrex, the user Angel Garz actually created an excellent post-guide here and added to that he attended me quite well by Discord, giving me a detailed explanation of the process and clearing up any doubts I had about it.:


The same with @minotaurototal, his explanation was very helpful in clarifying my remaining doubts. As you can see from Steemit's wallet (the previous amount of which was in 0 STEEM, and right now have 6.415 STEEM, which will be used for charity and donations.


The process for placing these STEEMs was this: From the Unknown Heroes Byteball account wallet (I send the all amount to Bittrex, leaving the account in 0 bytes), they were passed to my Bittrex wallet in Gbyte´s, from there to BTC and from there to Dogecoin, and then by Blocktrades to the Steemit wallet: - The Dogecoins were used for the commission or fee that is lower than having sent the STEEMs directly to Steemit's account from Bittrex, that commission would have meant less money to help others.

After this first donation and collection and thanks to the publication of @punqtured in the official BYTEBALL Telegram, yesterday, July 27th, this amount was raised: $43.66, a really considerable amount that will help a lot of people (mainly I will use it to buy food -rice, flour, milk- that will be prepared and donated person to person):

donaciones 27 julio heroes anonimos.jpg

Super excellent donation I have to say! Unexpected and of course well received. @punqtured put me in touch with @capybaraexchange (Telegram) which is a great exchange house where you can change both Bytes and Steem´s & SBD with very affordable rates, here I attach part of the change process, we must remember that the Byteball wallet charges a minimum of fee by the transaction so the total changed were: 317911977 bytes and not the 317913200 but it's really too low %, but I still wanted to explain that detail too.

Would also like to comment that Capybara Exchange has formed a non-profit alliance with Unknown Heroes, in which, by changing the bytes to bsf (bolívares, our currency money here in Venezuela), the foundation are not being charged a fee/profit for the exchange house, so we can obtain more money to dedicate to buying the donations, and in the same way Capybara Exchange can also contribute to this good cause with us and with the country and against the crisis.


donacion 4.jpg

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I have to say that excellent attention from @santiagolaw (Capybara Exchange), and you get a memo of notification to the mail, the exchange is done fast and quickly and with excellent service of the operation of the page, here I leave two additional posts of reviews of two other users who have used the service and also liked it (in spanish):



Purpose of the money raised:

As you can see from these posts written by myself, in my personal account: @nahupuku, the total collected is used to buy mainly food. The hunger crisis that exists in Venezuela is quite serious, I have already denounced it in some posts, such as:





By the way, don't miss this video, about Venezuela and its food "claps":

I'll also leave you a post about my tattoo studio:

Which is the place where we receive the physical donations in the city of Caracas, Venezuela:


SHAMANAS HEROES flyer english.jpg

shamanas heroes.jpg

Who receives the donations?

In this post: @nahupuku/la-historia-de-un-donativo

You can read how Unknown Heroes is looking for various non-profit institutions or charities. In the specific case of the post shown I mention A grain for Venezuela (1granitoporvzla) a group of girls who prepare food to take directly to homeless people, hospitals and people that have several needs. They prepare and distribute the food, they do not re-sell or sell the products or articles that we donate to them, their Instragram that I will leave below shows all their days, both in the collection of donations and deliveries, ensuring that all donations reach the neediest people, as you can see in the photographs.:

This post you are reading at this moment is a first announcement of the proceeds, after making the purchase of items and food to donate will be explain in a next post, as I made it at the beginning of the year explaining that all the funds raised by Steemit was spent in this other post that I made too:


And these were the Spanish and English posts respectively of SBD's first official collection for Unknown Heroes Foundation:



Links to projects that have given us support and help

First to all, I have to thank to Colin Sydes: @sydesjokes - and @superiorcoin / @kryptonia family, for always providing help and support to myself and my foundation, since a few months ago, the Sr Colin he was very helpful to us by making some donations at SBD to send us a donation, and yesterday he donated 5000 SUP (Superior Coins) for the foundation cause:



If you want to join Kryptonia (I highly recommend this community cause you can create tasks and generate visits to your Steemit posts), you an follow this is link, that is my personal link in which they would access as my referrals:

And his different Steemit´s accounts:



Forever my gratitude to @sircork and its community youareHOPE @youarehope


Those who since December 2017, have set up a room especially for us at YAH, here is the link in case you want to access their server, this link falls directly into my room: Unknown Heroes Foundation, but you can explore the different rooms that in here:


Talent Club:

In this great community of which I am a member a few months ago and in which I am a Bronze member, delegating 50 SP of my personal account @nahupuku, they opened a special section of projects supports, so I decided to apply for my foundation and immediately after a few hours and after reviewing my posts immediately they gave me their support to my foundation. In the same time they including supports to other communities too and you can see everything in their daily statistical summaries published in English and Spanish:


Here you can see the mention of the Foundation and the % delegated to support us:




Fuerza Hispana (Hispanic Force):

This is a great project that is starting in Steemit @fuerza-hispana and Discord, according to the very words of his proposal in his post introduction:

My fellow readers, we all know the needs you have to know about what we know as Steemit, our idea as a new community is not to come here to do a Trail, to come here to condition your help for a vote, our merger between communities goes beyond all that; we come here with the intention of really teaching you how to work at Steemit, to avoid theft, fraud, fraud, scams, and anything else that could damage your account, as well as the image of this great platform. They will know what will be our help server to users, solving doubts, comments, guiding them how to learn how to correctly manage their account, we will also teach them and explain what it is, and what a Witness or witness of the platform is dedicated to, so that they are not fooled by those who promise them the sun, moon and stars, and that those who do something good for the platform and not something good for their pocket are really voted on.

Among other topics, we will explain how to use the platforms that are useful to us for a good understanding of our account, we will teach you how to handle your wallets correctly, among many other things. We will have sections of community leaders, who will be able to guide them as well as trained users to solve or make the maximum effort to get their accounts for any problem related to phishing, account theft and so on.

For us it is an honor to be in this community, based in Mexico with users like @minotaurototal and the group @team-mexico and they have added people of other countries (like our case) and we really see a proposal of help and support to all who belong to Steemit. Some of his most outstanding posts (in Spanish):



Here is the Discord room created for us by this great community:




My PukuWorld Discord Server

In my Discord channel I have also set up a room specially dedicated to social projects and of course to share the posts of the Unknown Heroes Foundation there, I invite you to check it in this link:

We have an English room too for leave the english languaje post.


Here you can read more information about my channel, which already has 123 users since the 7th of May it was created, that you are waiting to visit and join!


By the way, I've set up a new and special room called Capybara Exchange

Exchange house for Bytes, SBD and Steem´s, any doubt contact in Discord to @capybara#6520 user / Telegram User: capybaraexchange


This great community: @funditian has been created to help people all over the world thanks to BlockChain technology, you can visit their networks and learn about their project and proposals. I was pleasantly surprised to be invited as a member of your Official Facebook with the Unknown Heroes Foundation, because they watch a post I made for one of their contests where I also explained the work of the foundation, I invite you to check my post here:


And here I show you my invitation to your Facebook account:




Their networks:

Oficial Facebook:


Join Fundition A community with heart based giving at its core

Discover your future with Fundition

Do you want to collaborate with us?

Here I will leave you a series of Wallets, so if you like, you can donate or collaborate make a deposit in the this wallet address:

Unknown Heroes Byteball (unknownheroes):

Donation Help Wallets:



Bittrex BTC:

Donations - in Steemit (SBD: steem dolars):

Bittrex Steem wallet address:

Bittrex bytes wallet address

Héroes Anónimos Steemit Wallet:
Note: Whoever wishes to collaborate with the foundation can do so by sending (as much as they like or have it) in SBD or STEEMs to this account @unknownheroes and placing in the subject line: Donation to Unknown Heroes Foundation

Superior Coin / Kryptonia address wallet:


Or by sending me SUP as gifts to my Kryptonia profile, user: Nahupuku:

Unknown Heroes Paypal:

Paypal Acount International:

Account: Samantha Rodriguez,
Country: Venezuela


Final Words:

It has been a very busy week, thanks to all of you for your contribution, support and collaboration. I will soon publish in the next few days the posts with the images of what was bought with the money raised and the photographs of the donations.

The same post in Spanish:


Thanks to all, Blessings. Sincerely yours: Nahu Padilla


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