Greetings - Unknown Heroes Foundation Results Update

This post the second part of this other article

Which I please ask you to check before reading this.


After that brief request, I hope that you are awesome! Hi to all. Im Nahu Padilla @nahupuku, founding member of the Unknown Heroes Foundation. First to all, I want to express my sincere gratitude again to the following people from the Steemit community: @punqtured, @sydesjokes, @minotaurototal, @team-mexico, @santiagolaw, @talentclub, @valeriabandes, @fuerza-hispana, @kryptonia, @superiorcoin

I would also like to thank to Life for allowing me to get to know the world of crypto coins. In 2017, just a single year ago, I was searching in the garbage for some food. I was starving, but now I can use the digital money to buy food for feed other people who are in the same situation, is not easy at all and its very hard, we here are victims of this regime and this current social system in crisis, was able to get out of this situation thanks to Steemit, and now it is my mission to help others to get out as well as possible.

First of all, I started the foundation in 2008 but these recent donations started with this post:


I want to explain that the Unknown Heroes Foundation works through donations, if no donations arrive it is difficult, very difficult to carry out charitable actions, cause is a non-profit foundation, I do not have a fund for future donations, but everything that is collected is used at the moment, is donated or bought what is necessary to donate (if people send money or crytpo currency I use it for buy medicines and food, and if someone donate clothes or toys I give to the children or the people, depending that need it: homless or donation into a hospital).

Our Networks:


In this case using the Byteball wallet address, I decided to create a special account just for Unknown Heroes, my foundation (which I created since 10 years ago, started in 2008 and is now part of the Steemit community). In the beggining in my journey with Steemit (since December, 2017), I used my personal account Steemit @nahupuku for receive it donations into my personal wallet, but then created the @heroesanonimos profile - which is inactive because sadly I lost the master password and later created this unique official account to receive donations: @unknownheroes).

As I explained in the previous post, by chance of fate and some help requested from me in Discord chat for a matter with the Steemit bot, I contacted the user @punqtured, and for a totally fortuitous reason, I ended up chatting for a long and enjoyable time with @punqtured, member of the Byteball team (Byteball user acquisition mananger). For things of fate we touched on the issue of foundations and he and his team and other members in Venezuela such as @santiagolaw, were interested in helping the country with the issue of donations and help with the current crisis in the country. And I mentioned that I had a foundation and we talked about it. After a few days I decided to make the above mentioned post on my own: "Unknown Heroes Byteball Address for donations", and I left the post for her to see at some point. What was my surprise was that he saw it and thought it was a great idea, very much in line with what Byteball is also looking for, to help others to obtain a stable and easily accessible cryptomoney for as many people as possible and he published it yesterday, July 27th, along with some very cool words in the official BYTEBALL Telegram, I attach the capture of his message:


It was an excellent gesture and that led of course to several great byte donations which I will show you below. First I'll show you the first image in capture that I published about it in the above mentioned post:

heroesanonym wallet.jpg

As you can see, here is the address of our wallet which is: unknownheroes - M76ZQBJOFPXSGERJYKJO62JOVPQPJDH6 - The post was created on July 23rd, and it had not been 24 hours since I already had this balance thanks to the exceptional donations of the @talentclub community:

recaudado lunes 23 julio 2018 heroes anonimos.jpg

After this first donation and collection and thanks to the publication of @punqtured in the official BYTEBALL Telegram, yesterday, July 27th, this amount was raised: $43.66, a really considerable amount that will help a lot of people cause all of the money was used to buy food, that was delivered during this week, specifically on Monday, August 6 of this year and Wednesday, August 8, which will be prepared and donated person to person in different days that will be shown later in this post.

donaciones 27 julio heroes anonimos.jpg

Thanks to the excellent donation that l received from @punqtured, I could be in touch with @santiagolaw / @capybaraexchange (Telegram), an excellent guy who has been of considerable help to the foundation, being aware of many details, always collaborating hand in hand with us, helping us to obtain more money thanks to not including fees rates when I was making the exchange, so that we have been able to obtain more food to donate, and that is something that is appreciated in our hearts. In Capybara Exchange a total of 317911977 bytes were changed to bsf resulting in a total amount of: 141.290.033,85 bsf.

Would also like to comment that Capybara Exchange has formed a non-profit alliance with Unknown Heroes, in which, by changing the bytes to bsf (bolívares, our currency money here in Venezuela), the foundation are not being charged a fee/profit for the exchange house, so we can obtain more money to dedicate to buying the donations, and in the same way Capybara Exchange can also contribute to this good cause with us and with the country and against the crisis.

Needless to say, excellent attention from @santiagolaw, and you get a notification memo to the mail, when the exchange is done, very quickly and with an excellent service of the operation of their web site page:

To know more about them check out the following post:

I'm really grateful with all the Byteball team, thanks a lot for the support and donations! Blessings to you!

Image from Byteball Telegram Group

I would also like to thank the user @autinf, who sent us a 1 SBD - Memo: Donativo a Héroes Anónimos, which was converted to STEEM in Blockshares and currently the Steemit @unknownheroes wallet owns a total of 8,456 STEEM -

By the way, don't miss this video, about Venezuela and its food "claps":

I'll also leave you a post about my Tattoo & Art Studio, Shamanas Tattoo:

SHAMANAS HEROES flyer english.jpg

Which is the place where we receive the physical donations in the city of Caracas, Venezuela:


Purpose of the money raised:

As you can watch from some posts written by me about my country, on my personal account: @nahupuku, the hunger crisis in Venezuela is quite serious. So the total collected: 141.290.033,85 bsf. was used to buy food. The following is the balance of expenses, transfers and Ws chat with the person from whom the food was purchased:

Important Note:

Because of the risks involved in buying food in the country, the second name of the person who supplied me with the food and his account number have been covered, she also asked me not to put the reason of payment in the bank transfer, only the word PAYMENT in the transfer itself, to avoid legal problems. In fact, she give this warning when she share the list prices of the products:

Remember that in the concept of payment at the time of making the transfer ONLY must put PAYMENT (Word).

Some chat captures for trading the food and asking for the food prices, and show her the money payments by transfers:



These captures are part of the products she offered:


Some of its prices for the end of July, prices are updated daily:

9.000.000 Bsf - 1 milk - 900 grams
Pasta bag 40.000.000 Bsf - 12 unit
Flour bag 36.000.000 Bsf - 20 unit
Rice bag 39.000.000 Bsf - 12 unit

Purchases I made:

Total Amount:
141.290.033,85 Bsf
First purchase:
39.000.000 - 1 rice bag
102.290.033,85 Bsf
Second purchase:
40.000.000 - 2 sardines bags (20.000.000 Bsf each one )
62.290.033,85 Bsf
Third purchase:
54.000.000 - 6 milks (9.000.000 Bsf each one)
8.290.033,85 Bsf
Then I bought an additional milk of 9.000.000 Bsf, and the 709,966.15 bsf were put in place by me pocket.
I didn't buy flour this time because the funds were not enough at the time.

Total collected on this first purchase:
12 rice unity
7 milks
30 Sardines cans

Attached below the captures of each purchase:


nathy pago bulto heroes.jpg

pago 6 leches.jpg

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DASH Donation:

On Saturday, August 4, I received the excellent news that we had been donated a Dash, that was a great joy because of the Dash, and thanks to the excellent work of Capybara Exchange, (which was changed on the same day, August 4), and we were able to get: 791.958.909,50 Bsf. With that money we were able to buy 12 packages of 3 different items, 4 packages of tuna fish, 4 packages of rice and 4 packages of flour. In turn, 8 Cerelac´s were also purchased and donated. To date I have to wait until Saturday August 11 for the rice and tuna packages to arrive, but I already have the flour packages in my possession, attached are some paid captures and photographs of both the products and the donations.

Message from the seller Sunday, August 5:
Good morning!
(Prices on Sunday 5 August - prices on Mondays go higher)

?Rice elite (24Kg) 75.000.000 Bsf - I buy 2
?Flour (20Kg) 45.000.000 Bsf - I buy 2
?Pasta primor corta (12Kg) 55.000.000 Bsf
?Pasta capri corta (12kg) 52.000.000 Bsf -
?Pasta capri larga vermicelli (12Kg) 52.000.000 Bsf
?Tuna Fish marthel (12UnidadesDe140Gm) 47.000.000 Bsf - I buy 2
?Papel spring soft (48Rollos) 65.500.000 Bsf

I Bought:
Rice: 75.000.000 Bsf x2: 150.000.000 Bsf
Tuna: fish 47.000.000 Bsf x2: 94.000.000 Bsf
Floor: 45.000.000 Bsf x2: 90.000.000 Bsf

Total: 334.000.000 Bsf

Message from the seller Monday, August 6:
Good morning!
?Rice elite (24Kg) 78.000.000 Bsf - pagadas 2
?Flour (20Kg) 50.000.000 Bsf - pagadas 2
?Tuna fish marthel (12UnidadesDe140Gm) 50.000.000 Bsf - pagadas 2

I Bought:
Rice: 78.000.000 Bsf x2: 156.000.000 Bsf
Tuna fish: 50.000.000 Bsf x2: 100.000.000 Bsf
Flour: 50.000.000 Bsf x2: 100.000.000 Bsf

Total: 356.000.000 Bsf

Then we proceeded to buy 8 bags from Cerelac´s (100 grams) for a price of:
26.000.000 Bsf

Suma amount: 356.000.000 Bsf + 334.000.000 Bsf + 26.000.000 Bsf , =
716.000.000 Bsf spent on food.
Dash amount:
75.958.909,50 Bsf

After that, on Saturday, August 11th, 2 additional packages (containing 8 bags of 100 grams each from Cerelac´s) were purchased for a price of: 33.000.000 Bsf.
Total: 66,000,000 Bsf

natheroescerelacs parte 2.jpg

Final Dash amount: 9.958.909,5 Bsf

These will be used for various expenses of the Unknown Heroes Foundation , such as taxis/cabs service for the delivery of donations and any other expenses that may appears during the delivery of donations.


pago heroes.jpg

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4 Packages of Flour received:





I repeat, i don´t have the 8 packages yet: 4 rice and 4 tuna packages that will arrive on this Saturday.

Who receives the donations?

In this post: @nahupuku/la-historia-de-un-donativo

You can read how Unknown Heroes is looking for various non-profit institutions or charities. In the specific case of the post shown I mention A grain for Venezuela (1granitoporvzla) a group of girls who prepare food to take directly to homeless people, hospitals and people that have several needs. They prepare and distribute the food, they do not re-sell or sell the products or articles that we donate to them, their Instragram that I will leave below shows all their days, both in the collection of donations and deliveries, ensuring that all donations reach the neediest people, as you can see in the photographs.:

Next i will show the process of distribution of donations Stage 1 (in future posts, we will show the following stages):

Donation to: Un granito por Venezuela:
2 milks, 5 rice units (plus 3 more donated), 30 sardines cans in tomato sauce and 8 Cerelacs.
Receive the donation:
Andreina Quintero from Un granito por Venezuela.












Donate to an individual:
10 rice units, 5 flours y 5 milks
Receive the donation: Mr. Hector Barraes, he lives in:
Sector La Bandera. (El Desvío Street, a really poor street in El Valle neighborhood).

Mr. Barraes will use these donations to provide for the children of his community (I have learned from a very good source the big needs in that place), there are approximately 20 children who will benefit from this donation made in the sector where he lives.

Drone Venezuela RHG in Caracas, El Valle neighborhood.

A poor neighborhood of my city Caracas, where lives there people with food problems, especially children.






The remaining packages of: flour, rice and tuna fish will be distributed in the second stage of delivery of donations, as soon as I have them in my possession after Saturday, and which will be distributed as follows: 50% for A granite for Venezuela, - 25% for Ángeles de calle Foundation (Street Angels) and the last 25% for Voluntad Venezuela




My PukuWorld Discord Server

In my Discord channel I have also set up a room specially dedicated to social projects and of course to share the posts of the Unknown Heroes Foundation there, I invite you to check it in this link:


We have an English room too for leave the english languaje post.

Here you can read more information about my channel:


That you are waiting for to visit and join us!

By the way, I've set up a new and special room called Capybara Exchange

Exchange house for Bytes, SBD and Steem´s, any doubt contact in Discord to @capybara#6520 user / Telegram User: capybaraexchange

Do you want to collaborate with us?

Here I will leave you a series of Wallets, so if you like, you can donate or collaborate make a deposit in the this wallet address:

Unknown Heroes Byteball (unknownheroes):

Donation Help Wallets:



Bittrex BTC:

Donations - in Steemit (SBD: steem dolars):

Bittrex Steem wallet address:

Bittrex bytes wallet address

Héroes Anónimos Steemit Wallet / Monedero:
Note: Whoever wishes to collaborate with the foundation can do so by sending (as much as they like or have it) in SBD or STEEMs to this account @unknownheroes and placing in the subject line: Donation to Unknown Heroes Foundation

Superior Coin / Kryptonia address wallet:


O enviandome SUP como gifts a mi perfil en Kryptonia, usuario: Nahupuku:

Unknown Heroes Paypal:

Paypal Acount International:

Cuenta: Samantha Rodriguez,
País: Venezuela


Final Words:

Thank you for trusting us and as promised here in this post, I present the donations purchased and their delivery, in a next post that will be made very soon will show the delivery of rice, flour and tuna fishpurchased with the Dash received.

The same post in Spanish:


Thanks to all, Blessings. Sincerely yours: Nahu Padilla


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