Sustainable Development Goal 1 ( SDG-1: No Poverty )

Sustainable Development goals are the combination of global 17 goals introduced by United Nation on 25 September 2015. There are 169 targets for the 17 SDGs with 304 indicators that will measure compliance. Many of we don't even know why this Sustainable Development Goals and what we can do for it. Let me share my experience with SDG 1 today. In future posts, I will talk about other SDGs and this post will will cover SDG Number one 1 which is "NO POVERTY".


1: No Poverty

Poverty is identified when people can't meet their basic needs. They suffer from hunger, health care and education. People with poverty mostly face social discrimination. Poverty is one of the biggest causes of many social and economic barrier to achieve SDGs. The goal one focus to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. In many countries like Bangladesh has less than $ 1.25 earning per day ( 1 out of 5). The next generation will suffer for our present actions. We don't want to leave the world with inequality and imbalance economic structure.

If you have $1.25 for a day, how you will spend them?


Gender discrimination is one of the main causes long term poverty in many developing countries. The early marriage and frequent pregnancy a life threatening risk for these women. Education , health care, housing, nutrition, security and other basic things remains unreachable for them.

People at older age face more poverty due to lack of Social protection systems which is plays vital role to prevent poverty and inequality. At the older age, in many countries people don't receive pension after retirement if they are not govt. employee. This led them suffer and experience extreme poverty.

People with disability suffer the lack of social protection as well. These vulnerable group receives no disability benefits in many countries. In 2016, only 28 per cent of people with severe disabilities collected disability benefits. In Bangladesh, 10% of the total country population with disability. Which means 16 million people in Bangladesh with disability.

Disaster risk reduction is one of the difficult tasks for lower-income countries whereas it is core development strategy to reduce poverty and reduce economic losses. Disaster risk globally is highly concentrated in low- and lower-middle-income countries. To eradicate poverty, we must have the strengthen disaster risk reduction strategy.

Here I think we need to focus to end the poverty

  • Maintaining Food Security
    The many developing countries, food security is one of the cause of extreme poverty. By ensuring food for every people, no people will die to hunger

  • Financial literacy
    People with lack of financial literacy don't even know how to manage their money. By ensuring financial literacy, we can help them to develop skill and knowledge so they can find ways to use their hard money.

  • Child Education
    Education is only way we can solve many problems in our world. As today's children are our future, we must give them better education. The Government of Bangladesh has made significant progress in recent years to increase primary-school-age enrolment rates to cover 89 per cent of boys and 94 per cent of girls.

  • Women Participation in Economy
    We need to ensure women gets better chance to work outside. There participation in economy will not only reduce poverty but also will ensure the gender equality and women participation in family decision.

  • Employment Generation
    By facilitating employment for youth, we can eradicate poverty and many social problems. We can also solve many political problem if large number of youths get jobs after completing their education. The misuse of young generation by political groups prevent a nation to be developed.

  • Social Protection
    We need to introduce many social benefits scheme for the people with disabilities, unemployed persons, women with pregnancy, older people and so on. This will help a country to create balance society.

The picture was taken by me in front of a bank on 1 February, 2018.

It was my general idea of "How to act against poverty !" You can add your idea in comment.

What are the important subjects to you to eradicate poverty by 2030 ?

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