Steemit Vision Quest - Life After Life

@cabelindsay, thank you for hosting the Steemit Vision Quest #8!

I am honored to participate in this quest prompt. Thank you for encouraging me to share my thoughts on Life After Life.

With Great Spirit, we bring you Steemit Vision Quest - Week 8. A Vision Quest is a dedicated search for inspiration. In this way, we bring our collective Visions into focus, prompted by the question: What Does My Higher Self See?

I was prompted to ask myself "What does my higher self see?" and to document my process.

I chose to write a poem to explore a thought I had while meditating the other night. I was following my breath as it moved, slowed and continued over and over. The breath is a place I often spend time with during a meditation. It is a sacred space.

In response to the SVQ Life After Life I chose to explore this thought further as a poem. What is my breath telling me?


Follow my breath
An infinite figure eight
Slowing down, speeding up
Never stopping

Breathe in. Breathe out.
The on and off give way to the infinite.

Around my feet and up my spine
Around my head and down again
Slowing down but never stopping

The breath and I, are they the same?
The figure eight disappears.
Awake. I feel awake.

Let go to the rhythms my heart beats.
Let go to the rhythms the rhythms of life.

I feel the ripples and dips all around me.
They breathe with me in and out-
the breath is one.

Let go to the fear, be the fear
it is me.
The fear breathes me and I breathe the fear
they are the same breath.

Around they ride the infinity and they become one.
Truth is here in this space.
In my belly, my mind, my soul.

My eyes open. I am awake.
This soul, this space, this time.
This time the truth has been seen.
It is here in this space.

Time is one, none is all.
Time is gone, time will come.
Time is vibrant, time is dim.
Round and round time goes on the infinity.

Breathe time in, breathe time around.
Time breathes out, breathes me in.
Time has no start, time has no end.

Love in this space, love in the air.
Love knows no start and it knows no end
Love fills my body and fills my soul.

My breath moves around the figure eight.
I am awake.

Who is @sagescrub?

I am a ex-suburbanite turned permaculture homesteader. Follow my journey and I will share what I know and am learning along the way. You can learn more about me in my re-introducing @sagescrub post. Wishing you abundance in your life!

Please know that I am NOT an expert on any of the subjects that I present nor do I claim to be. So do your own research and take anything I say or do with a grain of salt!

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