The Whistleblowers (Series): #10 - US Gov. 'Economic Hitman': We Assassinate World Leaders & Use Corrupt Methods to Steal Resources Globally. America As World's Leading Terrorist State.

John Perkins claims he was a professional, covert criminal on behalf of the American Government, World Bank and others - whose primary function was to subvert foreign countries, for the purpose of political and economic control. By sewing the seeds of economic instability and in some cases through outright violence, American interests secured natural resources of countries without many people fully realising what had occurred. He went public about this in 2004 with his book 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman'.

john perkins

'Economic Hitman'

After graduating with a degree in business administration from Boston, USA - John claims he was hired by agents from the NSA and was put to work in a role intended to result in developing countries borrowing large amounts of money which they could not pay back. The loans would ultimately be paid to American Corporations for services that they may not even need - resulting in an artificial dependency being created upon American and European groups, such that those groups could control the countries remotely via financial and covert methods.

His book and documentary detail quite extensively, the methods and agenda used in secret to silence leaders of developing nations and to intimidate them into signing away their own country's future. The methods include direct threats of assassination, based on actual assassinations previously carried out - through to threats of sanctions and outright military invasion. In short, he describes a reality where the NSA and US government acts more like a huge mafia style crime gang than anything remotely approaching an honest wing of a government in a civilized society.

Here is a short, animated version of his story:

"We cannot have homeland security, unless we understand that the whole planet is our homeland"

John has since gone on to study spiritual principles of balance and works with tribal groups to attempt to rectify the problems he says he helped to cause. His message is of balancing the masculine and feminine energies of our planet and healing with our hearts (A message I 100% respect and advocate).

In a 2006 statement, a State Department release claims that much of the book "appears to be a total fabrication....the National Security Agency is a cryptological (codemaking and codebreaking) organization, not an economic organization... Neither of [its] missions anything remotely resembling
placing economists at private companies in order to increase the debt of foreign countries." Perkins responds that Wikileaks and Edward Snowden
documents clearly demonstrated that the NSA is involved in a wide range of activities that have nothing to do with codemaking and codebreaking
and that often serve to undermine other countries and their leaders. (The National Security Administration has several missions, including
but not limited to cryptography).The State Department also claims that Perkins has alleged U.S. Government complicity in "the assassinations of
President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., former Beatle John Lennon, and several unnamed U.S. senators who had died in plane crashes." Questioned in a recorded interview about the State Department claims on the assassinations, Perkins replied, "No, I've never alleged that. I probably opened a question as to whether it might have been that way". There is no mention in any of his books about U.S. Government complicity in these assassinations. Perkins, however, does allege that two of his clients, President Jaime Roldós Aguilera of Ecuador and Omar Torrijos of Panama, had been assassinated and the US government had been involved, adding "I know. I was there."

source: Wikipedia

You can watch the full length film made about his life below - "Apologies of an Economic Hitman":

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What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

  1. The Whistleblowers (Series): #1 - Pharmacuetical Professionals Expose the Massive Criminality of the Medical Industry
  2. The Whistleblowers (Series): #2 - German Doctor Admits Being Trained And Paid To Lie in Mass Media by CIA - Says Most Major Journalists Are the Same
  3. The Whistleblowers (Series): #3 - Exposing 911 as an Inside Job - Susan Lindauer, CIA Asset, Imprisoned & Drugged By US Gov/Mil. to Silence Her
  4. The Whistleblowers (Series): #4 - Eyewitness to Dutch 'Royals', Politicians & George Soros Engaging in Ritual Child Sacrifice?
  5. The Whistleblowers (Series): #5 - CIA Pilot Duped Who Flew Cocaine Smuggling Flights During Iran Contra Affair for The CLINTON Crime Syndicate
  6. The Whistleblowers (Series): #6 - A 2nd CIA Agent Describes Clinton/Bush Cocaine Smuggling Operation During the Iran Contra Affair
  7. The Whistleblowers (Series): #7 - UK MI5 Microwave Weapons Scientist - Illegal Microwave Weapons Tests on American & British Populations inc. Service People & Kids | Birth Defects, Cancer, Mental Illness | Crimes Against Humanity | MKUltra & More
  8. The Whistleblowers (Series): #8 - Witness to Child Ritual Murder At America's Bohemian Grove Club By George Bush Snr., Ex Pope Ratzinger, US Colonel Michael Aquino (Admitted Head of a Major Satanic Cult), Warren Buffett & Others.
  9. The Whistleblowers (Series): #9 - POWERFUL TESTIMONY From US Military Officer: ISIS Is Directly Funded By CIA Via Swiss Banks (UBS) And I Have Documentary Proof of Treason by US Government Members.
  10. The Whistleblowers (Series): #10 - US Gov. 'Economic Hitman': We Assassinate World Leaders & Use Corrupt Methods to Steal Resources Globally. America As World's Leading Terrorist State.

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