Greetings from Oklahoma!

If you saw my previous Take Your Followers to Work post, then you’ll already know that for some time I had been installing hardword flooring in the Branson/Springfield, MO area. That was a great job, and I may still be doing some of that in the future, but for the moment I’ve switched gears.

For the time being, I am doing lawn maintenance for commercial properties. Over the past week or two I’ve been across Missouri, Arkansas, and now Oklahoma. Since my time on steemit, I’ve posted from five states already (Arkansas, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, & Illinois) and now Oklahoma makes the sixth.

Right now, I’m about here.

The main reason for the transition in employment focus is financial for me. On average, it looks like I’m going to be able to make about twice as much per day, so that should get the necessary funds to build my tribe a house much faster.


There is quite a bit of driving in between stores, so if @bluerthangreen is at the wheel, I have time to work on posts and such. When we arrive at a store, the first step is garbage pickup.

It is amazing at how much litter there can be at just one store, and sometimes it takes the two of us a whole hour just to get it picked up.

You can tell that in years past not everyone did the lawn care this way, because there is plenty of aluminum cans and other litter that have obviously just been run over by lawnmowers instead of having been picked up.

One interesting bonus to picking up the litter is “tips.” This is when you find sun-bleached money laying in the weeds. Last week we found a few $5 and $1 bills, but today I already found a $20 and two $10 bills. That’s a $40 “tip” just for picking up one store.

Dinner will be on the litter tonight!

After the litter is picked up, @bluerthangreen jumps on the riding lawnmower.

My next job is weed-wacking!

We will see what adventures all of this outdoor time gets me into, but I have seen signs that some adventures may be ahead!

I also learned that if someone smells like Chives or Onions, they may just be in the lawn care business! A lot of the lawns across this area have a high concentration of wild edibles, including Wild Chives.

After the lawn is trimmed, it’s time to clean up the cuttings with the leaf blower.

As always, I’m @papa-pepper and here’s the proof:

proof-of-a leaf-blower-and-that-the-CIA-did-not get-me-yet

Also, FYI – if you were wondering who posed for the photo of me with another STEEMHead in my recent The Adventures of the 24/7 STEEMHead Episode, it was none other than @bluerthangreen himself.

Except for the photo taken by @bluerthangreen,


Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)

The long-term purpose of this account is to help provide the necessary funds to live a self-sufficient lifestyle at home with my family.

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