Tarot Tuesday of April 17 Readings: Theme - Direction


For @walkthisway
I don’t have a specific question, it feels to me like I am entering a stage of transitioning. Being pulled in a direction...Can’t really explain it, my dreams are very different and seem to be trying to tell me something. It’s odd for me to even remember them.

Lets keep the above in mind and ask - what should @walkthisway know in light of these events?

10 wands, The World, The Lovers

The cards are describing that a stressful situation is about to end (by going Supernova?) and reach a grand conclusion (The World); that may hinge on a choice that you need to make (The Lovers.)

The Lovers card is often about relationships and union but not always; it is ultimately a card of choice. It just so happens that, in my personal opinion, according to my personal gnosis on what The Lovers card is really about on a primordial scale, is nicely described in this Science Tarot deck like no other deck. Here is the description of the card above according to The Science Tarot deck itself:

"Two stars orbit each other in a delicate balance of gravitational attraction and angular momentum. A bit closer together and they would crash into each other; a bit further apart and they would be flung in opposite directions. These two heavenly bodies together, pushing and pulling each other as they spin, can form the center of a single solar system of orbiting planets.

The Lovers have reached the point of balance, and together the two separate stars form one radiant entity. This powerful relationship is represented by an infinity symbol and a fierce heart of fire, signifying a passionate romance, intimate partnerships and the weighty choices they demand."

Follow up Question
what should @walkthisway consider doing in light of these events?

The Rune Ingwaz got cast; which symbolizes sexual energy, union, potency, goal achieved and orgasm.

Ingwaz pertains to the god Ing; who in certain myths is the counter part to Freya, the goddess of Love in the Norse Pantheon.

All that has been cast is screaming at you to go pursue your orgasm whether it be with another person, or grand culmination of an epic goal the cards are apparently screaming about. Whatever it is, RESOLVE IT ... for a smoother transition and new beginning for your next phase.

For @artbyjolla
I am branching out into too many things...am I on the right path?

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Magician, Tower, Hierphant

Whatever it is you are doing, you are creating effectively (The Magician.) It looks as though you are doing too much and at some point whatever it is you are doing will build up too much pressure and explode(The Tower). The cards here suggest laying a study foundation for your endeavors by creating with proper structure and orthodoxy (Hierophant.) That should approach will minimize the probability of a bomb going off, metaphorically.

Follow up Question
What would the outcome be if she applied this approach?

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Hierophant, King of Wands, Knight of Pentacles

Approaching what you are creating using orthodox methods (Hierophant) should lead to the preservation of your enthusiasm (King of Wands) and the product of your creations will be more stable, albeit perhaps slower to produce (Knight of Pentacles.)

I am a Wandering Wild Woman with a laptop obsessed with knowledge and trend forecasting.

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