How To Get Your Biggest Return On Taxes? 🙃 Avoid Having To File Them



Its Tax Time ! GREAATT, Some of y'all are probably ecstatic while others are loathing the moment. I drove Uber for three solid months the begging of the year so I know I'll owe some, & get some in return for also being a student. I told myself to hurry up and file so I don't have to think about it anymore. Started the filing process and everything just got annoying all over again. I like instant gratifications, I mean--- who doesn't? While this process isn't instant, it's actually long and aggravating which is why people pay to have other people do it for them. No not me, Been filing online myself for the past 3 years. This year might be that year where somebody else gonna have to take the burden because I wanted to break my laptop 30 mins into it. Yes I'm definitely super hormonal & not in the mood for anything other than a massage & a bunch of pregnancy gifts. Somebody bake me a cake & make me a banana smoothie. Grrrrrr....




I get so caught up sometimes in what I "need" to do, that I get annoyed & frustrated easily. I have an achieving mind & I feel that being around people that are less than motivating drives me nuts. I feel myself slowing down, which is why I think living alone is best for someone like me. People start to annoy me just for existing in my presence without catering to my needs. Is this what happens when you enter into the very last stages of pregnancy? Everyone is annoying if their not rubbing my feet or cooking me food.




I think it's time for some serious self care. Nails need to be done, hair makeover, new wardrobe (time for thrifting!). I need a break from thinking about stuff. I must say majority of this pregnancy I have been overthinking about everything! Making Money, Business Endeavors, Cryptocurrency, Family Life, Prioritizing, Nesting, MAN I MEAN THE LIST GOES... ON ... AND ... ON. Now I'm sitting here filing these funky ass taxes that I'm really not obligated to deal with in the first place, about to have a super sonic manic meltdown. Now I'm munchin on a peice of dark chocolate that I wish I had an unlimited supply of to calm my nerves. Now I really feel like going shopping. Universe send me some a couple bitcoin, even though the prices been going down to spoil myself for the rest of my life. I'd be happy to get some Litecoin & Ethereum Too YA FEEL ME! LOL




Okay, I feel better. See sometimes you just gotta rant your aggravations away until you get to the point where you realize everything you just wrote deserves to be made into a comedy sitcom. Those feelings of setting the U.S. Government & IRS on fire then watching them burn in flames just make you giggle when you've got it all out there to air out & let dry. Thank You Steemit for granting us this personal ranting space that people may find amusement from or whatever else they may get. Now I shall take this time, to have me a nice hot bath-- wash my hair, admire myself in the mirror for a few mins; then finish painting my room.


Happy Steeming ⭐️



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