Is Steemit putting your safety at Risk?

I'm not the most secretive person floating around here, but I do like to have some modesty and generally keep to myself in real life.

I'm not one to flash around expensive new cars, or watches or chat about how many shares I have in a particular company etc. But as Steemit evolves, the need to cover up is getting a bit more pertinent.


Personally I'm only a small fish so no ones really going to dream about robbing me, but other bigger players such as @ausbitbank, @aggroed and even a number of our bigger Team Australia peeps have balances on here that would cause a criminal to salivate.

I can most certainly understand the need for transparency, if we didn't, how would we know how to identify some of the reward pool rapists? But in all I think it'd make it a bit more of a fairer environment. The "richer" accounts wouldn't get hassled as much for upvotes as it wouldn't be easily visible, people would have to rely upon quality rather than sucking up to targeted accounts.

There's a call by @frystikken to make major changes to start protecting the steemit users.

So if you want changes to Steemit that protect its users, you should do the following:

1. First upvote and share this post. We have to spread the word and get more people talking about this
2. Write comments/posts to @ned and/or @sneak that we want this changed
3. Vote for @fyrst-witness, as he is a witness that cares about our privacy
4. Follow @fyrstikken and upvote his post here

NOTE The list at the bottom here is borrowed from THIS article.

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