Cat 2-My beautiful and affectionate barn cat!

I've been seeing a lot of cats recently, so it's time to show of my beautiful kitty.

I thinks it's perfect time now that our good friend @goldenarms just won a pretty cool delegation contest HERE and he will shortly have over 5000 SP. We know he loves cats, so I may as well butter him up, and I'm not one to be sneaky or deceitful so I may as well put this out up front. He showcased his kitty Ginger HERE just the other day. There's still time to head over and show him some love.


On second thought maybe this is going to backfire terribly once I tell a bit of my cat's story. First off her name is Cat 2 and she's our barn cat. But a very well loved and taken care of barn cat. Plus she doesn't even live in our barn anymore and moved to our front porch/car port. She has a really awesome little cat house, some toys and we feed her well. She even gets regular pets and she loves to sit on your lap around the bon fire.

See she likes pets, she's a very friendly barn cat.

I also learned something interesting about cats, or this bred anyways. Only the females will have these multi coloured patterns. Alot of cat people that come over automatically know it's female, there's something to wow your friends, when you can know the sex of random cats.

She's got all her shots and was even spayed when we got her so I think we are pretty responsible. She's a great little mouser and has make a huge difference in mice living in our woodpiles, nesting in all our equipment and trying to break into our house.

This is the first cat I have ever owned and even though I am terribly allergic to them I am quite fond of them. They are much more calm and relaxed and much less needy than every dog I have ever owned.

PS her name is Cat 2, we did have a Cat 1, but unfortunately she passed :(.

Anyways I hope the new Big Man @ goldernarms likes my Kitty and maybe a few others out there as well.

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