Come Party With Us Tonight, In A Castle!

Happy Friday everyone! It’s 4/20, and tonight we’re celebrating with a virtual castle party on the SteemStar Network! There will be music, friends, laughter, and chances to win Steem. I'm so excited!

This party is being hosted by members of #thealliance and #teamgood, and you’re invited to join in the fun!

We’re kicking it off with @topkpop’s All Play Friday at 4pm Pacific, 7pm EDT (whatever that converts to in your time zone). She plays original music from Steemit musicians, gives away Steem, and always gets me giggling. Tonight is her final show, and it’s going to be a great one!

After Jenny's show, around 10pm EDT, the party will blast off on the Pirate Steem Starship with @sircork spinning some wicked tunes. I sent him a list of songs, but it’s not too late to get your requests in, so comment and tell me what music you’d want to hear at a rockin’ castle party! 💖

Join us tonight in the SteemStar Network Discord server. Bring your imagination and be ready for a celebration!

The Castle

In case you missed the first post announcing the castle party, we’re having the party at a real castle! Pretend, of course. Otherwise most of us would probably miss out on the fun. This way it’s free, and everyone can come without having to deal with travel!

Here’s the C17th castle, which we’re pretend-partying at tonight. Maybe one day we can rent it for a meet-up for realz. ;)

via YouTube, by Oliver’s Travels

I’m looking forward to exploring this castle, even if it’s only in my head. Maybe there are secret passageways and tunnels under the whole complex!

Team Good

A number of the amazing people storming the castle tonight work tirelessly to help others. #teamgood was started by @battleaxe to help raise awareness and contributions to positive Steem-based initiatives.

My last TeamGood post payout was $10 (thanks for the upvotes, everyone!), so I sent 5 SBD each to @youarehope and @rhondak, who runs @tarc. Rewards from this post will also be split between these two charities after payout.

Hooray for people helping each other. Go #teamgood! 💖

Two big events this weekend!

Are you going to be there tonight? It’s going to be so much fun!

Also, remember to head over to the Steemit Ramble Discord on Saturday morning (11am EDT/3pm UTC) for the witness chat with @shadowspub.

But first, CASTLE PARTY!!! 🎉🎉🎉

💖 Peace. @katrina-ariel 💖

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

Banner by @PegasusPhysics

the alliance
Banner by @bearone


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