TeamMalaysia MyJuniors #2 - Come & Draw with Me

TeamMalaysia MyJuniors has another event going on last Saturday at the same place as the previous session with the theme "Come & Draw with Me" collaborated​ with some special guests cartoon artist from Steem Cartoons.

We have about 14 children​ around the age of above 4 years old participated​ together with their parents for this event and as well as an International Steemian, @macchiata is here for the event too.

First Session of Drawing by @sireh

Our first session started off with @sireh settling down all fully energetic​ kids and teaching them some fundamentals​ of drawing using​ shapes, line and dots. Every kid​s were given a piece of drawing paper and some pencil beforehand​ and started to follow what @sireh taught and @bitrockerjr was full of curiosity​ all the time 😂 and keep asking questions to @sireh.

@sireh is also having fun teaching the kids

After the fundamental of drawing has been done, it's time to do some demo live drawing with our model of the day, @elizacheng to show the kids and ask them to draw their parents using their wild imagination. While that's ongoing​, parents are watching them drawing and busy taking photos as well

@sireh drawing a cartoon version of @elizacheng

Finish off with a photo together

End of the ​first session, the kids are having a small break, doodling on the whiteboard, eating some snacks and playing with glitter 😓 which was then clean up to prevent the whole venue turning into a ​glittering bling-bling office.

Doodling some arts

Second Session of Drawing by @rambai

After some cleanup and with the help of @bitrocker2020 to settle down the still fully energetic kids, it's time to start our second session with @rambai. He's teaching the kids how to draw a cat and start doodle on the whiteboard with the kids following step by step on their drawing paper.

@rambai doodling the cat step by step

Kids drawing on their paper following the instruction step by step

Parent too enjoy the lesson

Drawing happily

@rambai checking out the kids' drawing 😊

After the drawing session with @rambai, @sireh then do another quick live demo drawing on one of the kids which appears to be @halleyleow, and she's a bit shy 😊 along the process.

Small group photo with the kids showcasing their works

To finish off the session, a group photo is always a necessary​ by our @orangila with the kids showing up their drawing for the day and each kid also receives​ souvenier and goodie bags before going back. After the group photo, committee members started to pack up and clean up the venue before going off. It's another successful​ event with a bit of crowd control difficulty this time 😅, they are such a bunch of energetic and curiosity​ kids.

Getting ready group photo for MyJuniors and this is a shot of BTS

Official Group Photo by @orangila, check out his post for more

Official Video of MyJuniors, Come & Draw With Me

Special Thanks to All Committee​ Members

After the MyJuniors event is our planned Saturday Foodie Tour with some International Steemians, @macchiata and @nomadicsoul who are currently in town and joined by another Steemian from another state​ as well, @howtostartablog. I'll continue the meetup in another post tomorrow as not to crash with this post. Have a great week everyone!

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