Four Best Things That Happened to Me In 2017


Some of my art I shared on Steemit in the past few months.

2017 is coming to an end and I have been avoiding deep personal reflections because this year brings so much pain to me. I rarely talk about my family to protect their privacy and most of my posts talk about my art and now and then, especially lately, I have been complaining a lot about how miserable I have been healthwise.

So enough about the negative things, shall we? Let's focus on the positive things that happened to me this year. I am not going to share everything because who loves long post? I don't 😂.



1) Changing my eating habit

I am not in pain or anything as long as I stick to a proper diet. In fact, I am so grateful for this changes in my eating habit. The thing about me that most people don't know is that I am not a picky eater as long as the food is not spicy. I spent 5 years of my teenagehood in a boarding school where we were fed a steady diet of tasteless food. My parents weren't rich and they gave me MYR50 (approximately US$12.31) every month as pocket money. No kidding. That barely enough to cover my basic needs let alone splurging on luxuries like fancy food. So I had to eat whatever they served at the school. And from then on I cultivated the habit of not being picky about my food. While it could be a good thing but it did have its own downside. See, because I am not selective about food, I tended to just eat anything edible - healthy or unhealthy. And it became worse when I have children because I would eat my kids' leftovers (sayang buang woii!) and piled on kilos.

It wasn't wise and ill-discipline but 2018 will be different. Since falling sick I have lost some weight and I am very pleased with it. All because I made a concerted effort (for real this time) to eat healthily because who's going to take care of my kids if I am sick? People might help to shoulder your burden for a while but seriously, for how long?



2) Exhuming my dad's, uncle's and aunt's remains

Sounds gruesome and weird but yes, we exhumed my dad/uncle/aunt's remains in June 2017. Why? To make way for the upgraded trunk road that is known as Pan Borneo Highway. They were buried in a private land belonged to my relatives but they had to sell the land to make way for the highway. I chose to think of this as a positive thing because prior to exhuming the bodies my mum was having a very stressful time (a couple of years) dealing with the required procedures. She is finally at peace knowing that my dad is finally resting in a new place which is closer to our village (yes, I am a kampung folk).

3) Moving to KL for better opportunities

I have shared about this in my previous posts and I am not going to elaborate it further here. But it feels good to be back in KL after a couple of years in Kuching. Sarawak will always be home but I have a family to raise and in order to provide better for my kids, KL has to be our home for now.



4) Being on Steemit

This got to be the best part-time job ever. I wished I signed up earlier when @kaylinart started to rave about it on Facebook sometime in 2016 but I was skeptical. But of course all is not lost, late is better than never and I am still one of the 'early adopters'. I hope 2018 is going to be a better year for me in Steemit and Steem will increase exponentially in value. Crossing my fingers on that one but I am positive.



Thank you for visiting!

My previous posts:

Coloring For Daniel - Giving A Helping Hand To A Stranger

My Entry For InspirationChallenge ~ Blood Red

My Coloring In Stuff And Whining A Bit About Life

I Spent My Christmas Day At The Hospital

I am selling some of my paintings over on Artfinder. Shipping is FREE worldwide. You can check them out here: ARTFINDER. Thank you!


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory

Upvote, Resteem & Follow Me @coloringiship



Animated Banner Created by @zord189

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