Awesome dinner time at Koria Restaurant, Kuala Perlis / 玻璃市港口对面港水上海鲜亭 - 晚餐聚会

Continuing to post on my family trip. If you have missed out my previous posts, you can check them here.


WednesdayYellow - Yellow around us during our family trip / 黄色星期三 - 与黄色同在
ThursdayGreen - Green is everywhere / 绿色星期四 - 绿色青色大自然的颜色
FridaySkyBlue - A little blue in everything / 蓝色星期五 - 蓝蓝还是懒懒的?

All the previous posts are photos from my Kuantan trip, this time let's go to my second trip, Langkawi - Kuala Perlis. And I would like to start with our awesome dinner in Kuala Perlis. This trip we went together with two other families. My husband's friend's family. All together we have 5 adults, 2 seniors and 7 children. We enjoyed 3 days 2 nights in Langkawi and 1 night in Kuala Perlis. This was our first family trip with other families, and it's a superbly great enjoyable one. Especially for my girls. They made new friends.

之前的三篇文章都是关丹之旅的照片,今天我们就说说我们第二个出游记吧,浮罗交怡 - 玻璃市。这次是我们家第一次和另外两个家庭一次出游。是我老公的两个好朋友。我们一共7个大人7个小朋友。在浮罗交怡玩了三天两夜。然后在玻璃市过了一夜。小朋友们最开心了。我先从我们在玻璃市的晚餐说起吧。

First and foremost, I would like to thank Wilson (my husband's best friend, he's not in Steemit, but I still wanna thank him) for the awesome yummilicious heavenly good dinner.... If you are in Kuala Perlis, Koria Restaurant is the place that you must visit for your dinner. The food is yummy, the price is reasonable, the environment is cool and awesome, especially if you go during the year-end.


It has its own pond of fishes at the restaurant. We can feed the fishes. Fish food is being sold at the counter. RM2 (0.052 SBD according to the conversion rate now) for a packet. So while waiting for our food to be cooked and served, let's enjoy the fish feeding frenzy... As you can see in the photos, the children enjoyed the most. They kept throwing the fish food at the fishes, and all we heard was "oohhhh!.... yayyyy!!!.... waaaahhh!!!..." They were extremely happy and totally forgotten about how hungry and tired they were.

餐馆有自己的鱼池。点菜后,可以喂喂鱼。鱼食可以在柜台购买。一包鱼食 RM 2 (以现在的兑换率大约是0.052 SBD)。可以喂鱼小朋友们最开心了。 每一次他们把鱼食丢入鱼池,就可以听到“哦!!!哇!!!呀!!!”小朋友们兴奋的都忘了肚子饿,也忘了一切疲惫。

Check out the yummilicious food! Please bear with me for the slightly "low" quality photos, it's my fault as I need to quickly snap the photos as hungry children and senior citizens (we had 7 children and 2 seniors with us on this trip) waiting for their dinner.


We had fish, squid, pork knuckle, duck, chicken, beancurd, tomyam soup... Absolutely YUMMY IN TUMMY!


After finishing their dinner, the children went to the karaoke room for their karaoke session!


This is it, our yummilicious dinner and wonderful time at Koria Restaurant, Kuala Perlis. Thanks for the support and love! 💕💖 💓 💗 ♨️

好吧,就到此结束本篇po吧!感谢大家的支持!💕💖 💓 💗 ♨️ (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba

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In this post, I would like to pin Koria Restaurant to The Steemit World Map.

这篇po我就把玻璃市港口对面港水上海鲜亭加进Steemit World Map世界地图里。

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