Bernie Sanders Just Recently Approved My Witness.... How Will Steemit “Consensus Opinion” Of Millions Possibly Billions Of People Compare To The Power Of Anyone Or Anything Else In Our Society? - Steem Expressing Our Deepest Desires!

Chapter 2 of "The Ultimate Steem Book" which I'm publishing on Steem chapter by chapter 42$ CAD will be use to buy a Facebook ad for this post.

The Ultimate Steem Book

- Introduction To The Ultimate Steem Book / Audio Version (Youtube)

- Chapter 1 - My Steem Witness Application

- Chapter 2 - Decentralized Governance / Audio Version (Youtube)

Decentralized Governance

The goal of decentralized governance is to reach a “consensus opinion” on everything. Dan Larimer

Steemit is making this possible. Newly created Steem Power inevitably flows to the most critically acclaimed Steemians.

Steemit currently give us the consensus opinion of thousands of people every day and in the future it will be the consensus opinion of millions of people, possibly billions.

Nothing else can achieve this. Youtube can’t. Politicians can’t. Democracy can’t. Nothing else can.

Now, how will this consensus of many millions possibly billions of people compare to the power of a commander in chief or the power of any other institution? Among many other things, isn’t it something Steem was conceived to let us know?

Our Deepest Desires

I’m currently learning to express my deepest desires in the most meaningful way which might be one of the most fundamental thing for each one of us.

Yet I’m rarely doing it consciously. Writing is possibly one of those rare occasion. I’m really expressing myself to the fullest. That’s why writing might feel so difficult yet so good with every new successes.

Thanks to Steem, I've now implemented a 10-15 minutes daily meditation and I now plan on implementing 1 daily hour of writing.

Is Steemit Consensus Bias?

People might say Steemit consensus is heavily bias because every votes don’t have the same value but as Dan pointed out:

Those who act wisely grow in influence, those who act poorly shrink.

So the "bias" is in favor of those who act beneficially. The quote above is taken from the paragraph named Decentralized Governance written by Dan. This very short paragraph is the most inspiring thing I’ve read about decentralized governance and thus Steem and can be read by clicking on the quote.

Facebook ad's results from my latest Steemit post

Desire Of A Nonviolent Society

I share Dan Larimer’s desire of a nonviolent based society. Here’s a quote from Dan on this desire:

I don't believe that violence is a necessary response to violence, that we must create governments or to have law and order.

I believe that good people don't have to resort to bad things, just because bad people exist and I'm not going to rest until we figure out and solve those problems.

If you have the faith and you're willing to not give up until you found a solution then you will find the solution.

How Steem Could Bring About A Nonviolent Society?

While this was made pretty clear in Dan’s paragraph Decentralized Governance, I feel like including even more from Dan on the subject.

So I can envisioned up the blockchain technology will allow us to create a world where the forces, the incentive for being part of the bitshares community, of the blockchain crypto-community, the efficiencies you gain are so strong that your profits are so much higher that being rejected or shunned by that community forces you to do with people outside of it.

People who have to charge higher fees require security deposits for your utilities, for your rent, for everything under the sun, because the cost of doing transactions, the cost of doing business outside the system would be higher than the cost inside the system.

So I see this creating self-reinforcing virtuous cycle where the more people that join and participate and start doing commerce entirely on a blockchain merchants and consumers never having to leave back to the fiat world.
Those start to see a growing snowball effect until it gets to a point where no one dares be a government official because they would be excluded, because they would participating in the initiation of violence against others. So these things are possible.

To Learn More About Steem

I recommend this post @teamsteem which is part of a series called: “The Ultimate Guide To Steemit”. If your curiosity has been piqued then this serie should be of great help.

Joy Guides Our Deepest Desires!

I’m having fun here on Steem but at the same time as I have express above, on some level, to me, Steem is a lot more than just having some ephemeral fun. What Steem makes possible is at the very core of my deepest desires.

My Steem Witness!

Bernie Sanders just approved my witness last week or I might say esteem witness. His approval is a big deal as most everyone here know and I felt the need to give it the mention it deserve.

Bernie Sanders being top 6 Steem Power holder means he risks more to profit or lose from each of his actions than most of us and I'm very grateful I've been able to inspire him.

As with every Steemians, Bernie Sanders and me look forward to better our mutual efforts to inspire and being inspired as we go along.

Thank You Everyone!

Thank you everyone who have supported me since I’ve been on Without you none of this would have been possible.

4 other witnesses approved my witness this week. Cheetah/anyx (witness #13), pfunk (witness #20), masteryoda (witness #37), bacchist (witness #69).

Right now all Steem witnesses are trying to make Steem better, this is why I support all witnesses at this point and why I’m trying to better collaborate with each of them.

Some Thoughts On Choosing Witnesses

If two witnesses are equally good, then the better choice is always the best software engineer but I feel like being good at software engineering isn’t a prerequisite to being a good witness. I’m not a software engineering and it’s only one reason why I felt important to mention this.

There is a lot to take into account when voting for Steem witness. There’s a lot to talk about on the subject and I look forward to help clarify things further in the future.

Steemians Reading Me!

Some nice comments I had on my previous Facebook ad

Steemians reading me are the people I feel closest to. My writings here on Steem expound about my deepest desires in a more meaningful way then anything I’ve done previously in my life.

Most people I know personally don’t read me on Steem yet. Hopefully as time pass this will change. Now sadly, only around 30% of people speak English where I’m from and that’s one reason why I would love to translate this book in French. I apprehend the moment when it doesn’t make sense for me or anyone else not to make it happen.

Closing Note

In the next chapter I’ll go even deeper into what I’m trying to achieve with The Ultimate Steem Book. To be honest, I don’t really have a clear idea about what it’s going to be. I wrote 3 other totally different drafts for the current chapter before writing what you’re reading right now.

I kept nothing from those drafts except the knowledge that they weren’t in line with what I needed to express which in some sense, might mean I kept everything that made what I’m writing possible.


Voting Witnesses

In The Box, At The Bottom Of This Page, Type: Teamsteem Then Click Vote!

  • Everyone can vote for up to 30 witnesses at a time and can changed their votes at any time.

  • I’m currently witness #61.

  • I'm on the official Steem chat every day.


Another Awesome Steem Guide

Steem WhitePaper

*Correction of my Ultimate Steem Guide: is own by @roadscape.

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