Steem News-Bulletin #1

60+ awesome links! Hello fellow Steemians! Welcome to the first edition of Steem News-Bulletin! A lot is happening on and Steem News-Bulletin is here to get you up to date!

Note, if any of you would decide to read only one thing from this post, I'd recommend it to be the very last paragraph!



This news bulletin is good for new users as well as for more advanced one. As usual if you haven't read my 3 parts Ultimate guide to Steemit, I recommend people to take a look at them. Don't worry if they don't fit your learning style, everyone is different and there's many more ways to learn about Steemit. ENJOY!

Oh but before going any further, here's a very inspiring take by @razvanelulmarin to create some sort of informal Steem pledge of alligiance. It's a very interesting post. Thank you @razvanelulmarin and I salute you my friend!

The Ultimate Guide

New Steemit Guides

Steemwhales have been updated and the updates are awesome.

SteemWhales Update! Reputation and steem power withdrawal


Regarding updates to some very useful Steem tools, have had an incredibly useful ones. I haven't fully taken advantage of this tool yet but I might begin to use it 24/7 as I'm writing this. Here's the link to the update and how to set it up to make the best out of it. Don't forget to let it synched. There's a little number on the right corner indicating when it's going to be synched. I'm currently using it and it's awesome.


It got updated and it has now become a lot more awesome!

[] Steemit Tool that uses the power of activity analytics to potentially get you more upvotes from Whales!

Accepting Steem

Dan Larimer's latest

Here are 4 post and 1 comments from Dan Larimer, Chief Techonology Officer of Steem.

Some Feel Good Articles

Steem Stats

The Newest Steem Tools

The Steem Goodies

The Funny

I hope you guys will enjoyed reading those posts as much as I did!

On a finishing note, here's one of the most, if not the most profound thing I've ever heard. It's from Dan Larimer. Dan Larimer is Steem chief technology officer and founder of Bitshares. I feel like everyone would greatly benefit from reading or listening to this quote. I've reposted this quote in a couple of my posts already and a lot of people know about it because of this, but I feel like as long as wars or the potential for war exist, then this quote merits a bigger place in our minds and the same is true for Steem and how as a collective group we can use Steem to fulfill the vision its creator have in mind. Wow! Steem you're making me write things that make me feel so good! Thank you and as for you guys keep on Steeming!

Dan Larimer said one of the most inspiring thing I've ever heard

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