Millions of Users Have Been Hacked with Malware Found INSIDE their Anti-Malware Program. Find Out if You're Safe and What to Do if You're Not.

Every day, we rely on anti-malware and anti-virus programs to keep our computers safe. So, imagine the shock when I realized that a program I've been using on and off years had been hacked!

Yesterday, Piriform announced that older versions of their anti-malware program, CCleaner, were compromised. I have had the Free version of CCleaner and run it from time to time when I want to make doubly sure that my Vipre anti-virus software didn't miss anything.

Here is a Link to the Press Release

According to the press release, the data was non-sensitive data which included “computer name, IP address, list of installed software, list of active software, list of network adapters”. Something else I didn't realize was that Piriform was recently bought out by Avast. I was once one of the 400 million Avast antivirus users but a while ago before I switched to Vipre.

News Release on Piriform's CCleaner Hack

Profound comment by @dandesign86

I mean seriously... Do we need an anti-malware program for our anti-malware program now?

So, What Are Your Options?

Toss it

Burn it

Conduct an exorcism

No Need to Freak Out...

Here are the Steps to Take

Step 1: Check to see if you are compromised

Check to see if you have a version that is compromised. Apparently, over 2 million users are affected. The compromised versions are 32 bit... CCleaner v5.33.6162 and CCleaner Cloud v1.07.3191. As you can see by my image, I have CCleaner v5.28.6005 (64-bit) which is really old. Even though it's not listed as a compromised version, it's not the latest release.


Step 2: Protect yourself with the newest release

The CCleaner Cloud will update automatically. However, if you have the CCleaner v5.33.6162, you need to update it to CCleaner v5.34. If you have one of the two compromised versions or if you just want to update to the newest release, download the latest version by clicking

After I updated my program, you can see that it now has the CCleaner v5.34 which is deemed malware-free.


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