[Podcast bits #5] Advantages of using Brave browser (not just surfing without ads!)

Podcasts - a double edged sword. Several years ago, when I've discovered them, I was blow away. New information daily, during shopping or commuting. Isn't that awesome? I don't have to read all those loong articles anymore and can spare some time like this. Well, over years, so many cool podcast emerged, my lack of time problem is back. It's hard to listen to them all...If you have the same problem, I'm here for you :)

In these series of posts, I'll be summing up the latest interesting podcasts I've listened to, so you can save up some time for another ones.

CryptoBasic podcast

I love these guys! They are 3 supersmart guys, professional poker players and in each episode, they take a deep dive into one particular cryptoproject. They do their research, read whitepapers and then talk about it for an hour. You can really learn a lot....

Episode: BAT Token (post is not about it!)

Well, the episode was about the whole environment around the BAT (Basic Attention Token). What they are trying to tackle is the ever increasing amount of ads everywhere, lower and lower rate of users actually clicking the adds and also the majority of revenue being kept by e.g Facebook or Google and not publishers....Basic idea can be found on their webpage:

I'm sure you can find a lot of information regarding this project, but I want to pinpoint just one particular part of it now:

My pick: Brave browser

Honestly, I don't really care about collecting BAT tokens or any of that..But I hate ads, ruining my experience. And Brave browser fights them :)

Here are the points from the podcast I've found interesting:

  • Instead of just loading any ad that an ad network gives it, as other browsers do, Brave blocks ads by default. .
  • It incorporates HTTPS everywhere by default.
  • Couple clicks in Brave’s settings will enable a feature that helps prevent websites from being able to forge a unique fingerprint of your browser.
  • It doesn't support third party add-ons. I know this sucks a lot...
  • It's fast..I'm testing it since yesterday and it feels faster and lighter. Might be it's because of all the browser extensions I have in Chrome?
  • Android version is based on Chromium, so don't expect big speed difference there.
  • In the podcast, they said the browser has some kind of VPN enabled by default but didn't elaborate on this. Not sure if they meant some extention or what..

I know there are several other browsers which target privacy or security (these two words are not the same!). I personally am using Chrome just for the convenience of it. I have quite a lot of extentions, some of them security/privacy related, to make me feel bit better. In public places I use VPN.
Yeah, I know...I could get "cracked" in 5 minutes if someone wanted to :D Could Brave browser be a solution? I dunno, I think it has some potential...

My current podcasts

On my current to-listen list are these podcasts. If you find here some overlap, you might want to keep an eye on these series :)

Thanks for reading!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Insanely helpful little TRICK for all Linux and Mac users (10 seconds to make it work!!)
  2. [DLive VLOG #10] Programming MY OWN Ethereum TOKEN!! + KSI vs. LOGAN picks
  3. [DLive Vlog #9] Austrian Alps hiking, mountain lake & truth about MY ADDICTION!
  4. Perks of living with Latino guys OR every woman's DREAM!n
  5. [DLive Vlog #8] Snow in summer on DACHSTEIN summit + STUNNING sunrise at Tirolean countryside

#cesky version

Cavtee...prvykrat postujem post z mojich Podcast bits aj do #cesky, kedze doteraz boli vsetky len o jiu jitsu alebo MMA :D Ked som pred par rokmi objavil podcasty, bol som brutalne nadseny - nove informacie priamo do telefonu, hocikde. Pocas nakupovania, sedenia v buse alebo na bajku po ceste do skoly. No po par rokoch som si uvedomil, ze problem s nedostatkom casu sa mi znova vratil, kedze je tych zaujimavych podcastov fakt hrozne vela. A tak som sa rozhodol, ze ak narazim na nieco zaujimave, budem z toho pisat "vycuc". Namiesto dvoch hodin pocuvania Vam tak staci 5 minut citania a aky taky prehlad mate.

CryptoBasic podcast

Zboznujem tychto chlapakov! Traja ultramudri profesionalni hraci pokru a krypto nadsenci. Co sa tyka crypto vedomosti a prehladu, su moj hlavny zdroj informacii. Vzdy si vyberu jeden projekt, precitaju whitepaper, spravia research a potom o tom hodinu rozpravaju. Sice po anglicky, ale komu sa da, tak odporucam!

Episode: BAT Token (nie vsak tema tohto postu!)

Hm,epizoda bola o celom ekosysteme okolo BAT (Basic Attention Token) tokenu. Tento projekt sa snazi riesit problem pribudajuch reklam pri browsovani, to, ze ludia na ne skoro vobec neklikaju a to, ze vacsinu revenue si aj tak nechava Facebook alebo Google...Viac info najdete isto na ich webke:

Projekt znie zaujimavo, no ja chcem dnes vypichnut len jednu cast:

Zaujal ma: Brave browser

Popravde, zbieranie BAT tokenov ma az tak nezaujalo + to momentalne ani nefunguje. Budu ich dostavat uzivatelia, ktori si zapnu reklamy. No ja reklamy neznasam :) A presne preto, sa mi paci Brave browser :)

Par info o browseri, ktore spominali v podcaste:

  • Namiesto zobrazenia hocijakej reklamy, ktoru browser dostane,Brave ich vsetky defaultne blokuje (ak si to nenastavite inak). .
  • Defaultne pouziva HTTPS everywhere extension. Pokial stranka ktoru chcete navstivit nepouziva https (a je toho schopna), browser pouzije https napriek tomu.
  • Par kliknuti v nastaveniach a Brave zabrani strankam ukladat si "odtlacok prsta" vasho browseru. Kazdy browser je unikatny a zdiela o Vas do sveta extra informacie.
  • Nepodporuje rozsirenia ako napr Chrome. Viem, toto je nahovno...
  • Je rychly... Testujem ho len odvcera, no musim povedat, ze loading times su fakt rychlejsie. Moze byt, ze to je vsetkymi tymi Chrome rozsireniami, ktore mam nainstalovane?
  • Android verzia je postavena na Chromiu, cize velky rozdiel tam nie je.
  • V podcaste vraveli, ze browser ma uz zabudovanu nejaku VPN automaticky, no viac nepovedali.

Viem, ze existuje viacero prehliadacov, ktore sa snazia targetnut sukromie or bezpecnost. Popravde, ja pouzivam Chrome, kedze to je proste jednoduche. Mam dost extensions, viacero z nich maju nieco docinenia s bezpecnostou - aby som sa citil lepsie. Na verejnych wifinach pouzivam VPN. Aj tak si myslim, ze keby niekto naozaj chce, tak mi browser "nabura" do par minut. Ak to uz niekto momentalne nerobi :) Moze byt Brave prehliadac riesenie na vsetky tieto "hustles", ktore clovek podstupuje pri ostatnych browseroch, aby sa ochranil?

Moje aktualne podcasty

Tu je list podcastov, ktore momentalne pravidelne pocuvam. Ak vas nieco zaujme, tak mi dajte vediet :) Pripadne aj poradte nieco, co pocuvate vy

Thanks for reading!

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