Insanely helpful little TRICK for all Linux and Mac users (10 seconds to make it work!!)


Hey there....when it comes to using console, UNIX users probably have far better skills than Windows people. I'd put my money on that...but I guess even UNIX gurus know that tiring procedure of opening terminal, typing the command name...waiting 5 seconds..and giving up while opening Chrome :D Yeah, all those random letters representing various parameters and flags. One need helluva lot of time to learn them..And that's where today's trick comes into play

TLDR for advanced users

Paste following code into your .bashrc and enjoy the ride! Just type cheat <COMMAND_NAME> and temrinal will show you many cool usage examples :)


Cavtee..pokial prijde na pouzivanie terminalu, UNIX pouzivatelia maju povacsinou omnoho vacsie skusenosti nez Windowsaci. Na to by som si kludne aj podal..Ale vacsina z nas poznaju tu beznu situaciu, kedy zapneme konzolu, napiseme nazov prikazu....potom 5 sekund cumime na obrazovku..a potom to vzdame, otvorime Chrome :D Preco? Vsetky tie nahodne pismenka reprezentujuce rozne parametre prikazov...kto si to ma pamatat? Dnes som objavil paradnu pomoc na tuto situaciu!

TLDR pre pokrocilejsich

Vlozte nasledujuci kod do vasho .bashrc filu a uzivajte :) Vzdy ked si neviete rady, napiste len cheat <COMMAND_NAME> a terminal vam ukaze priklady "akonato".

More detailed explanation

I'm not going to go over terminal basics etc :) If this is something for you, you already know how to use terminal. Tiny unknwon might be what that .bashrc file is. Well, .bashrc is a shell script that Bash runs whenever it is started interactively. It initializes an interactive shell session. You can add some custom commands there which tweak/change your terminal environment.

Where do I find my .bashrc file?

.bashrc is a hidden file inside your home directory. You open it with the most basic text editor using command gedit ~/.bashrc. Just paste the code from above and save it :) Also, don't forget to restart the terminal for changes to take place (because .bashrc will execute on terminal startup).

Thanks for reading!

Detailnejsie vysvetlenie

Nejdem vysvetlovat co je terminal, pokial ma byt tato vec pre Vas uzitocna, to co je terminal uz viete :) Maly hacik vsak moze byt otazka, co je to .bashrc. .bashrc je skryty shell script ktory je spusteny pri kazdom zapnuti terminalu. Vpodstate len pri kazdom interaktivnom zapnuti terminalu. Viete donho pridat rozne vase prikazy, ktore Vam v terminale umoznia par veci navyse.

Kde teda ten .bashrc file najdem?

.bashrc je skryty file vo vasom domovskom priecinky. Otvorite ho jednoducho - proste napiste do terminalu prikaz gedit ~/.bashrc. Po tom, co sa Vam otvori len vlozte hore uvedeny kod, ulozte a nezabudnite rstartnut terminal - aby tento .bashrc file znova prebehol, tentokrat uz aj s Vasimi zmenami :)

Dik za precitanie!

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