Ep.3📲 The Attention Revolution - Mass Adaptation

I’m picking up this blog- series again about my thoughts on the future, history and present-based predictions in different aspects, ranging from blockchain tech over social media to AI. The reason why I want to exclusively share this with you is because the Steemit community as of right now is still like rare breed of people who are more curious than fearful, awake while everybody else is still sleeping, scientists who choose doing and knowing over waiting and watching and by simply being here, reading this, it is likely that you are open-minded enough to be interested and you might have similar futuristic thoughts, that I would love to learn about as well. 

Episode 1: <<here>>

Episode 2: <<here>>

The new world is digital 

and is moving at a rapid pace like never before. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited, slightly freaked out.. but actually I don’t really spend time on figuring out whether I like where we’re heading or not, because it’s going to happen either way, and I have to choose now and act quickly to position myself and everything I do, to be prepared and ahead of time. 


If you’re reading this right now we are in the same boat, the one that has left a sinking island. Some of the people on the island don’t know about our boat, some don’t know about the island sinking and others know about the island and the boat, but disregard it, because they fear the unknown sea and will only find it necessary to leave when the island is close to gone.  (Hopefully this made sense in comparison to the real world banking system)
That's the game of the ever-changing market.

We know that our attention and majority of time spent is transitioning from the real world to virtual more and more every day and yet the majority of the biggest brands in the world are blind to this fact that the Internet has arbitraged out the traditional media channels. 

Today I felt inspired by a speech I came across of social media, entrepreneur and marketing star Gary V and he summed it up pretty well… All humans are traders, every day you are day-trading attention. No matter what you do, what you sell, if you're running for office or if you're trying to raise money for a nonprofit, you’ve got to communicate your value. Regardless of what you do, you need to find where the attention of your target audience is and then learn how to communicate your value properly.   

In the last years 96% of the Fortune 500 companies in the world lost market share. The main reason for that is that they fail to recognize the ATTENTION SHIFT that is taking place right in front of their eyes. They are too busy looking at statistics and running their traditional system instead of looking around and realizing what’s really happening and they continue to market like it's 1985.  

The only time this big of businesses have lost this much global market share was the late 40's and early 50's when the world transitioned from radio to television. 

Right now we are transitioning from television to the mobile device.

Our phones have become the primary device of our lives. Not only the remote control of our lives, but our phones have become the television and the television the radio. 

Now all these platforms Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat are the new media channels just like CNN, BBC NBC, Nickelodeon. But there is one big difference. Anybody who wants can own a channel, advertise and turn from a solo entrepreneur to a million dollar empire.  But more about that in a different episode.

How do you know that the REVOLUTION is just starting and far from over?

One reason of so many: Television commercials are still historically overpriced.  Meanwhile Influencer Marketing is more underpriced than anything else in marketing. The traditional social media is still undervalued (which shows how far ahead Steemit is). It's news that social media is not just this fancy thing teenagers have, it's the current state of communication in an internet environment. We are just at the edge at the very beginning of the transition of people realizing that it's not this little thing anymore.

Linking back to what I wrote a while ago about the future of technology and mass adaptation… People used to think social media was a scam and I used to think „Who gives a crap about what you ate for dinner“ In 2017, turns out.. a lot of people do. 

Everybody would be laughing at me if I was to say it's possible to make money on the internet, to create a product and sell it on an e-commerce website... 20 years ago. The entire internet was "a scam" back then. It took 46 years for people to believe that electricity is not fake, 35 years for people to understand that telephone really works, 16 years to adapt to using a computer and another 7 years to realize the internet is real. Even with YouTube, people made fun of kids creating videos and posting them online, like "what a waste of time". The guy who’s recording himself playing video games, that now has a few million dollars more in his pocket and is the number one YouTuber.  

Being a YouTuber a few years ago was not a term, maybe a stupid hobby. Now back to the storyline.. that tells us two things. Firstly, people are always skeptical, they fear the unknown. And actually when we think about this form a psychological POV it's quite funny,  I wrote if you wish to dig deeper into the origin of why humans fear of change, feel free to read this article of mine. And second, Congratulations! I'm assuming because you are reading this on Steemit, you are ahead of time; aware of what's happening in this world and I hope you will stay for the long-run and prove the doubters wrong in a matter of time. If you've built an online business, use social media effectively, invested in cryptocurrencies, you have prepared just like when you get snacks just in time, before the movie starts.

I remember a few years ago when people told me I shouldn’t invest in this risky spam thing called Bitcoin. Can you guess who called me the other day asking „What exactly is Bitcoin and how do I get involved?“ Yes, the same people. As I like to put it:

Don’t wait until it happens, because in today’s world the downside of being wrong is nothing compared to the upside of being right! 

As we are approaching a new economy, transitioning from real world to digital, there are many different shifts taking place and the effect this will have on existing systems, businesses and people is beyond our imagination. So stay excited for me to explore all that and more in the following episodes. 

What are your thoughts on the future?

Much love, 

- Mrs.Steemit 

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