πŸ‘‘ Crown of Jewels πŸ‘‘ A Girl Power Fundraiser

I have been given a chance to use my power on Steemit for a good cause. A friend of ours, @artsygoddess needs a crown for her tooth. A small group of us at Girl Power, are making posts to help her fund this procedure, that is not covered by her insurance. Read Her Post Here.

The SBD from this post will be given to @artsygoddess to help her pay for this procedure, and whatever else she may need. The SBD need is not much, only a few hundred dollars, but we hope to show that a little support, can go a long way.

It is my prayer, that @arstygoddess is blessed with thousands of dollars from this fundraiser. That she will be given a special blessing, from the entire Steemit community.

If you have the power, please upvote this post. If you have followers, please resteem this post, so others may find it. And, if you have the SBD, please consider transferring a small gift directly to @artsygoddess. You can also make your own post, and then donate the earnings the same as we are doing now.

I have written a poem about crowns to go with this post.

God Bless! Sim Girl


Some believe in Christianity,
We belong to a tribe; a legacy.
A royal blood; a family line;
A kingdom above this place in time.

And on our heads, we will wear a crown.
For every good deed, a jewel is found.
Lots can’t count the number gained;
For many there are, and will remain.

And at the feast, the crowns shall shine.
We’ll sing and dance; drink and dine.
But, we must give our love and time,
While we are here, or else we’ll find,

Our crowns will be made of merely tin.
And, we won’t get this chance again,
To show our love; that we care.
Now is all we have to share.

Please find it in your heart to give today, so you will have many jewels in your crown!

If you would like to join Girl Power- Woman supporting women on Steemit, you can find us on Discord!

Here are some additional posts made for this fundraiser! Feel free to upvote, resteem and follow our contributing Steemians.

πŸ‘‘ Claim Your ThroneπŸ‘‘ (original poetry)

Can You Help Out a Fellow Steemian?

[Hae-Joo] #TeamGirlPowa Crown Fundraiser - What the Crown Chakra Means to Me!




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